Topic: Infinity Bulb BTS Production Logs

I know it's very late for me to post this, but because school started right as I finished Infinity Bulb, I hardly had any time to work on it. If you haven't seen the actual film, please watch it before watching this.

This is a severely edited compilation of vlogs that I recorded while making Infinity Bulb. And by severely edited, I mean severely edited. There was probably about two to three hours of content, but most of it was just me either repeating something I said earlier, or me saying "Uh" or "Um" or "Well..." I also tried to put in a few time lapses, but time lapses of stop motion looks like the produced animation from a different point of view. That, and I only did like two or three time lapses.

You can watch it here:

Last edited by jasper (November 14, 2015 (03:11pm))