Topic: BRAWL 2015: Visionary

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BRAWL 2015: Visionary


While looking to get away from the mindless and busy world she lives in, a stranger comes across an isolated bench on the roadside, and finds something more.

I know its not perfect. My animation is a bit rusty, there were some light flickers and set bumps, and apparently people can't tell the sex of the protagonist, which is a new one. I should also apologize for the resolution I wound up using, I neglected to check what I was shooting at in my capture program. But I'm proud of this, being my second film. I hope you enjoy it.

Last edited by RealBrick (July 25, 2015 (07:10pm))

Re: BRAWL 2015: Visionary

I didn't quite understand it all until I read the description, but I got the gist of it. I enjoyed the film very much. The lighting (especially in the vision) was excellent. I really liked the car animation, and the sound design. Keep up the good work!

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: BRAWL 2015: Visionary

I really enjoyed the atmosphere you created in this, more of a feeling then a story, in a good way.

Re: BRAWL 2015: Visionary

I agree that the atmosphere and aesthetic of this short is quite nice. I like the colors, the use of soft focus, and the look of the "void," which is striking because it goes beyond the typical white expanse we've seen a hundred times. Personally, I do think I would have liked it better if the story/meaning was slightly less oblique.

Re: BRAWL 2015: Visionary

I'm not sure if I fully understood the story, even after reading the description.  Even so, it's a really nice entry.  The cinematography, set design, lighting, and sound design work really nicely together to create the atmosphere of the film.  It feels a bit short, but it's beautifully made nonetheless.

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: BRAWL 2015: Visionary

Very interesting visually and audio wise; I really liked the way you did the void. It does however feel like an idea yet to be flushed out into an actual story, and more of an audio/visual proof of concept. A very intriguing proof of concept.

Re: BRAWL 2015: Visionary

I have to echo pretty much everything else everyone has said: great atmosphere, and a really cool-looking void. I wish perhaps a plot has been a BIT more obvious, but the film's short length makes the lack of coherent plot not a problem. I did really like the mood this film. Also, the sound design helps the atmosphere a lot.