Topic: The Avengers - Loki Attacks Again!
The Avengers - Loki Attacks Again!
The Avengers fight Loki!
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The Avengers - Loki Attacks Again!
The Avengers fight Loki!
Hey Allana,
I just watched your film The Avengers - Loki Attacks Again! and I really enjoyed it!
My favorite moments were The recipe joke, "It must be my Loki day. -- It Thor is." and everything Hawkeye said and did.
It could be my misinterpretation, but the fights came across as deliberately goofy because of how the minifigs can basically only slap each other. Which I thought was hilarious. If they were intended to be really intense fights, then I'd say keep at it, your definitely getting there! You've clearly been practicing and improving the smoothness of your animation.
Your writing is excellent, as is the comedic timing. Also, the voice acting of Black Widow, Captain America, and Hawkeye were very good. Which is a tip of the hat to you as a writer and director. Great work!
This film was so good, I decided to take a look at your profile and WOW, you've done a lot of work! I watched a few of your other films too. All-in-all I was impressed with your storytelling, writing, and concepts. You have an ear for good voice talent as well!
Things that I would encourage you to focus on, are really just fine tuning things that you've already done well.
-Animation: You have a good sense of comedic timing, but I suggest working on improving your sense of physical timing. IE: How quickly a punch, kick, or anything moves and then the physical reaction to it. Again, you're already very good, but that extra little emphasis will really make a big difference in polishing your work. I don't really know what software you're working with, which has a big impact on how much fine-tuning you are able to do for your animation, but if you can, Dragonframe is definitely worth it!
-Sound Editing: You have an ear for voice, but there were definitely some collisions with different sound effects and voice volume. The music was a bit overpowering to your other sound as well. When you watch big block buster movies, there generally is a slow down and decrease in volume of the music when a character speaks. It works for them because they get custom made music for their films, so they can shoot and plan everything, while the composer has to work around and within the bounds and timing of the scenes. Since we may not have all those resources available to us, we will often have to find music and plan, and write a scene to fit the timing of the music. Btw, I liked your choice of music from Kevin Macleod.
- Writing- Your earlier films with Monkeyman and Little Plastics are really great because they come from your imagination. Your use of DC and Marvel characters is easily accessible to the common viewer, but I encourage you to keep developing your own work too. DC and Marvel help get attention and viewership, but your best work (in terms of writing) is clearly the stuff you came up with yourself. If people criticize you for not using DC and Marvel, ignore them. If people criticize you the other direction for using DC and Marvel at all, ignore them too. Do what is fun, and keep trying new things.
-Set Design- I'm not really able to stand on a soapbox with this one, as I'm not very good at coming up with sets myself, but I think your sets would benefit from more complexity. Things and stuff. When you look around your house, and things on the street, and stores etc... you will notice that there is A TON OF STUFF EVERYWHERE. Find ways to do that in your scenes. Again, I'm not a good example of this. But this guy is!
-VFX- This is a subject on which I've had "virtually" no experience. (bad pun, sorry) You were definitely using effects in your film, effects I have had no experience doing. Lightning, Laser Blasts, etc. If you're wanting to improve in this area, I suggest taking notes from FancyPants on youtube
-Lighting- Perhaps the lighting was a bit static. Lighting can go a long way to establishing mood and environment. However, you were working on a comedic piece, and comedies are generally bright and well lit stylistically.
In any case, this was definitely a worthy addition to your brickfilmography!
Keep up the good work!
-Nate Swihart (nswihart)
Last edited by nswihart (July 26, 2015 (09:11am))
Well done.
Liked it a lot.
Look forward to seeing more films like thus from you.
Hey Allana,
I just watched your film The Avengers - Loki Attacks Again! and I really enjoyed it!
Thank you so much for all of your feedback! I'm really just getting used to Premiere, After Effects and Dragonframe - but everything you've said will help me A LOT! The fight scenes were deliberately silly, I'm actually glad you saw it that way too haha.
I really appreciate everything you've said, and thanks for taking the time to give me such a detailed response!
(AC Films)
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