Topic: Unfinished Theodore Williams

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Unfinished Theodore Williams


This is all the footage that exists from the the unfinished film Inside Theodore Williams (or The Adventures of Theodore Williams). Animated and voices recorded all from around March-May of 2012, it would have followed up Danger in Paradise and preceded James and the Tapeworm from Pluto. The plot concerns a man who is constantly haunted by nightmares of Communists and strange events in his real life all while a robotic George Washington fights for independence from England. The film itself was inspired very much by a dream and uses that type of logic. However due to technical difficulties and a trip  to Paris, the movie was never finished. On other factor is the German being kidnapped by a ninja, which mirrored events that opened another brick film released in July of the very same year. While this is coincidence, the fact remains that this is an unfinished film, yet is still my longest brick film of any kind

Re: Unfinished Theodore Williams

That was interesting! Overall I liked the dialogue, the sets were good, and the animation was for the most part smooth.

There are a lot of issues though. There was tons of light flicker, which can be removed by staying away from the set when you push the button, and by turning all your settings to manual. And if you don't already, get some desk lamps. All these things I'm sure will help! In just about all the scenes, the characters faces are blurred. Again you can set your settings to manual, and adjust the focus the way you want. I see you either have the Logitech c910 or c920 webcam. I experienced this same issue. The blue light. After messing around with the settings I found I could turn this off. That blue light often reflects off the set, and creates a strange ring. I highly recommend removing it.  The movie could also use some more angles for visual variety.

I did like how you combined old war footage with the LEGO stop motion, that was neat.

All these things are things you can work on next time, keep going not4snail!

"Bless you for making this." -Sloth 2016 * on "Chicken Shaped Lighthouse Attacks Police"
Ephesians 4:29 -"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."