Did you re-upload the video? The link above is broken.
Here's the new one, you may wanna fix that.
For all ya'lls pointing it out, I never did notice any major lighting inconsistencies. Either they weren't that bad, or you're color-correction guy did a good job covering them.
So, the black screens didn't add anything, and really messed with the timing and rhythm of the shots.
I'll agree with Rio, the animation is smooth, but often too slow and lacking 'power.' As such, there's no sense of danger or urgency to the fighting, and thus there's no dramatic tension or feeling of panic. So we don't really feel the character's fear, nor do we understand why he's so desperate to escape that he jumps off a cliff.
The sound design could have used some more refining, as the the stop-and-go nature of the music, and the individualized feel of the sounds, (Meaning they felt like a lot of single sounds thrown in, rather than one flowing and natural soundscape.) led to a lack of ambiance, and didn't do as good of a job supporting the visuals as they could have.
Now, I do very much like that included a Bible verse, but I don't think it ties in that well with the video. Something like Eph 6:11 may have been a more appropriate choice. I see you explained it in the video description. Although the allegory may have been more directly explained using the above as the main verse, with I Peter 5:8 being one for supporting details. But even then, I'm glad you did include Scripture and illustrate a spiritual truth!
I like the mountaintop set, the use of 'brick' bricks and different grays gave it a nice weathered and worn feel.
While a few choices in the editing phase may have kept this from it's full potential, you did do a good job.
It may not be your best work, but it's still something you can learn from and enjoy.
There's always something good to be found in every short, and this is no exception.