Re: Have you ever cancelled a project?

HoldingOurOwn wrote:

Antonio, My scripts are about 28 pages each.  I think you, and most everyone else, since most are more skilled than I am, that you can tackle a 25-page script if you break up your mission into smaller goals and meet them one at a time!  I'd love to see the premise of The Mariaana (and more sci-fi) animated.

Don't knock your skills short my friend. After the last episode of Holding Our Own I think your are a sitcom genius.
But I have learned how to tackle the daunting task of big script and like you say make them into smaller goals.
Just matter of getting it done.
If you are interested in reading the script, i would love to get your opinion on it.

Re: Have you ever cancelled a project?

Just about 90% of the projects I started ended up being cancelled. Still, there's that 10% left...

Re: Have you ever cancelled a project?

Hoooo boy....

This thread is really interesting - and inspirational in a way, to know that many of you also have mouldy old projects pushed so far beyond the back burner they've fallen down behind the stove. In my case, many of my ideas aren't so much 'cancelled' as 'on indefinite vacation'. I'd love to make them! I just happen to be in this weird space where I want to go beyond LEGO animation but am not quite ready for full-on stop-mo production by myself.

Some, however, I just can’t see myself completing, such as an entry for the long-ago Historical Fiction Contest over at Leonardo da Vinci, threatened by those in power to provide ever more fiendish weapon designs, awakes from a nightmare with a concept for the ultimate weapon. Wracked with guilt at the possibilities, he expunges it by sketching. Word gets out, and desperate to keep the secret, Leonardo grabs a woman off the street and paints her portrait over top of the same canvas - the Mona Lisa.

I’ve started THAC entries a few times, one I even recorded, shot and held back because of the sound effects. I’ve since lost the original voice track and possibly, now that I think of it, maybe the whole thing on an old laptop. Such is life!

The pirate movie, though… I’ve not given up on that just yet.

Re: Have you ever cancelled a project?

I think I've only actually abandoned one proper project, which was a full version of this.
Funnily enough, it's my most viewed video by a good deal and is something I'd love to actually make, especially with the current Marvel sets available from Lego.
I've got one other project that's been shelved called 'PITCH', which is still something I want to continue, most likely when I finish University.
PITCH Part 1 Out Now!
Part 2 Coming Soon

Re: Have you ever cancelled a project?

Antonio, I'd love to see your script.  just email it to holdingourown "at" ymail "dot" com

By the way, TogFox is about to release a different video with a similar title, just so BiM readers don't confuse the two.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: Have you ever cancelled a project?

HoldingOurOwn wrote:

Antonio, I'd love to see your script.  just email it to holdingourown "at" ymail "dot" com

By the way, TogFox is about to release a different video with a similar title, just so BiM readers don't confuse the two.

Will do bud.
Hope you like horror movies LOL.

Re: Have you ever cancelled a project?

Major bump...

Is it just me, or is it ironic that this statement in my original post could now almost warrant another post...

Dyland wrote:

Recently, I've parted ways with the LEGO Adventurers and have turned my focus to Sliders, and a new secret original project...

The "secret original project" thankfully eventually found it's way into my THAC XIII brickfilm, though, not in the way I originally intended. But, not that it's 2016, I think it's time for me to lay the Sliders project to rest... at least for now.

How about everybody else? Have any of you cancelled anything since this topic began? Maybe you resurrected something from here, giving it new life in the months since...

Re: Have you ever cancelled a project?

I sure have.

My old YouTube is since long ago defunct - now even removed.
Here is my new one.

Re: Have you ever cancelled a project?

Filip wrote:

I sure have.

God D. Filip.
youtube]                   Twitter]

Re: Have you ever cancelled a project?

I cancelled a sequel to The Fate of Exillius II I wrote a script and built sets and everything, but it just never took off.

I do not brickfilm anymore, but you can see my live action stuff here.