Topic: Hey Buddy: A Short Film

Hey everyone. It's been a long time since I've actually published any videos. So this is something I did today. Written, shot, and edited in the course of the afternoon, this film is... well... pretty bad mini/tongue . But it's my first live-action film project.

Now I know that some of the shots are out of focus, but I had to run the camera myself, so that was kinda tricky. I also know that the sound work was messy at times, but I had to use the sketchy microphone in my DSLR. When I get better sound equipment, hopefully that kind of thing can be improved.

Those items aside, does anyone have any tips, thoughts, or suggestions that could help me out with future films?

Now available to score films.

"Contrary to the old saying, the trick is not to expect but accept the unexpec..." ~ Rick Rascal