Topic: Test Shots with a Drone

Here's some test footage from a drone I Finished putting together a few weeks ago, Hope to be able to use it for some short films and things in the future!

Re: Test Shots with a Drone

Looks like you're getting better, compared to your last video you showed me in chat a few weeks ago!

Gosh I love those aerial, straight-down shots. I want a drone. But I'll probably wait a while and see how the new ones at NAB this year do as far as reviews. Plus I don't have a project lined up to use a drone for, haha.

Re: Test Shots with a Drone

Sméagol wrote:

Looks like you're getting better, compared to your last video you showed me in chat a few weeks ago!

Gosh I love those aerial, straight-down shots. I want a drone. But I'll probably wait a while and see how the new ones at NAB this year do as far as reviews. Plus I don't have a project lined up to use a drone for, haha.

Thanks man! Yeah this past weekend I helped My friend on a short film and we got some cool shots with it, they are great to have and are really fun. You should definitely get one, and they just barely released a new version of the one I built that is much cheaper and better (The DJI Phantom 3).
You'll get one quadcopter and get addicted, now i'm trying to build a racing quad-copter haha. Yeah the Straight down shots are some of my favorites as well, I was thinking (if you notice the shadows) If I could make a fight scene looking straight down so it was the shadows fighting instead of the actual people... that's another days project though haha but you can do so much with them so i'd definitely recommend getting one especially with the stuff you do its great just to have some random drone shots to insert wherever needed:)