Topic: LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy

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LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy


I haven't done anything in a really long time, but I made this for my school's film festival.  Please don't rip on the voice acting or the fact that there isn't much actual animation in it (especially towards the end).  The voice actors were chosen as inside jokes with people at my school and I had to lazy out and use some video towards the end to make the deadline.  I'm curious as to what people think of the VFX though.

Re: LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy

Pretty good. Some of the effects were too much for me, like the constant shakey-cam, and all of that motion blur, but that's just my opinion. I didn't see anything wrong with the voice acting, but of course, I have never seen the original film.

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy

Thanks for the input.  Yeah, the shakey-cam was meant to 1. give a feeling of turbulence while the ship flies around and 2. cover up some of the sloppiness I didn't have time to fix.  I probably should've been a bit more subtle with it though.  A lot of the motion blur was natural though, honestly.  For the clips of the ship flying around, I had the Milano on a rig in front of a green screen while I moved my camera around it.  Given that the Milano then had natural motion blur on it, I had to give everything else an equal amount.

Re: LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy

The visuals were fantastic.

Though I agree with rioforce about the shaky camera. I can see what you mean by the voices, but I'm not too picky when it comes to movie-to-brickfilm voices.

"Bless you for making this." -Sloth 2016 * on "Chicken Shaped Lighthouse Attacks Police"
Ephesians 4:29 -"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."