Topic: blue snowball microphone

Would the blue snowball microphone be a good buy? I've heard some good things about it, and it's also pretty cheap (~$50). What do you all think about it?

Re: blue snowball microphone

Yes for starters, the blue snowball would be a good mic. Though I would ask these questions in the Microphones and Audio Capture thread. mini/smile

"Bless you for making this." -Sloth 2016 * on "Chicken Shaped Lighthouse Attacks Police"
Ephesians 4:29 -"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."

Re: blue snowball microphone

GET IT (if you can afford it)

It works fine for me. It's probably the best microphone you can get without needing a mixer (which is complicated and expensive and really not worth the effort unless you're doing something that involves audiowork for a living)

Max, She/Her

Re: blue snowball microphone

Another recommendation.  I sometimes get to borrow my brother's.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: blue snowball microphone

The Blue Snowball is definitely not a bad microphone, many people use it for great results. Personally, I have a Blue Yeti which is a definite step up in nearly every way (including size... they don't call it the yeti for nothing... mini/lol ). It is, however, a fair bit more expensive.

So yes, the Snowball is good. The Yeti is even better.

Re: blue snowball microphone

There's this video about sound quality. It states that space is way more important than the microphone. You should have a decent microphone at the least, but if you record it in a very bad space the sound will sound crappy. Blue Snowball is very affordable, so this is definately my choice now mini/smile
(link to the video I'm referring to:)

Re: blue snowball microphone

Yassin, no matter what microphone you use, like you said, there are always ways to make the best possible use of them!

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."