After reading some humorous but very honest credits you will enter a scene which will soon unfold into a breakdown of society. Bert presents the characters a simple yet ambiguous sign. I won't say what this sign says as it is still disputed. The characters quickly form an opinion on what the sign says and they have a back and forward argument which goes nowhere.
You can choose to view this film as a simple sketch exploiting the misunderstandings of these characters though on closer examination it appears to be an allegory on the of modern politics. Both sides standing on one end of the enigmatic sign. Both sides can dispute the evidence of the other using there beliefs as evidence. There is no way out of this ceaseless debate.
In Bert's fictional society he portrays society completely split over opinions on the sign. Protesters converge on the scene. The problem only appears to escalate. Then when hope seems lost a tribally painted man appears and he presents an alternative opinion to the signs meaning. Both sides seem to agree with this analysis and the protests stop.
What does this mean though? I believe that Bert wishes to show us that both sides have dug themselves into a hole. They were passionate for disputing the others claims yet they were not passionate for their beliefs themselves.
I think Bert has portrayed both sides as animals fighting for the sake of fighting.
When they realise there is no end to their fight they don't wish to end their fight by admitting they were wrong or agreeing to disagree they simply cannot appear weak. When this tribally painted man turns up both parties seem too willing to accept his interpretation on the sign. Not because they agree with the man but because this would feel like a draw to the conflict where there is no winners or losers. They were both wrong.
So overall this is a cunning allegory of modern times. One must commend Bert for creating an enjoyable film in so little time. Keep up the good work!