Topic: Helium Frog Animator Info

This topic is dedicated to all things Helium Frog, because it's a great animation software, in fact, viewed by many as the best free solution. Please feel free to post any issues you have regarding the program, cameras you have found that work with it, or anything else that might be of use to HF users. I will update this top post with things when it seems necessary.

Useful links:
Official Helium Frog Website
How to get Helium Frog to work on newer Windows versions (courtesy of BoatsAreRockable)
How to use Helium Frog (Courtesy of Arcade Tutorials)

Cameras that work with HF:
Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 HD
Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000
Logitech LifeCam HD-5000/HD-5001
Logitech LifeCam Cinema
Logitech LifeCam Studio
Logitech QC E3500
Logitech HD Pro C910
Logitech HD Pro C920

Last edited by Zachary Volt (January 24, 2015 (03:12pm))

uh oh!

Re: Helium Frog Animator Info

Here is an issue for getting us started:
When I edited the "Camera Macro" to activate the shutter on my Canon Rebel SL1, the program crashes whenever I capture a frame. The camera is taking a picture, so the signal is getting sent correctly, but Helium Frog keeps crashing. (I can deactivate the Macro and it works fine)
Anyone have any advice?
-Rivvm m

"...just take stuff apart.  Be heartless, do not develop feelings for these sets..." -Squid
My standards: Philippians 4:8