Topic: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

"What is art?"

Recently, a friend of mine (we'll call him MrCheese4) raised my awareness to the vagueness of the term "art."  Observing how often the term is used poorly, MrCheese4 noted how often people say "That's not art" in context of something they do not like. defines art as "The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power." But then, how does this definition reconcile any objects that could have been designed differently (i.e. a stool with 4 legs instead of 3)? If any object a person creates with any hint of aesthetic design can be called "art," why even have the term? On the other hand, if "art" has an element of exclusivity, then we have to adequately define boundaries for "art" and "non-art."

As brickfilmers, we are artists; and as artists, we need to have a solid concept of our domain. The current fluid concept is insufficient.  Please share your thoughts on this subject.

A Word of Warning: This thread may very well touch upon issues of "inappropriate content in art", "prejudice as seen in art", and "religious art". By posting this thread, I am trusting everyone to express their views respectfully (even if you feel very passionately about something). Too many threads have already been destroyed by flamewars; let's not have another, shall we?

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"Contrary to the old saying, the trick is not to expect but accept the unexpec..." ~ Rick Rascal

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

It is very difficult to define art, because it is so subjective. The artist can have one idea, a consumer another, and another consumer another opinion.

I think that art is anything that someone expresses through their creativity. It is a look inside their mind. You may think creativity is just creating a drawing or a brickfilm, but even creativity is subjective, which is why art is subjective.

Some people think that anything you do requires a level of creativity, which I agree when I think about it.

Others believe creativity is a skill that you need to learn.

Others think that creativity is being childish, and that all you need in life is to get an education and work.

There are entire libraries on creativity, so it is way to broad to define here. It just requires a bit of creativity for you to figure out what it means to you. mini/smile
The new KB Videos coming soon.

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

I understand that it is too difficult to try to make an "OFFICIAL DEFINITION" of the term "art" here, but my own concept is so vague that I want to discuss the subject so as to gain clarity. I often find that talking through a subject helps to clarify it. Does that make sense?

So, if I understand you correctly, you are saying that art itself is subjective. Not to just shoot down your idea, but this doesn't quite make sense to me. You seem to be suggesting that if I call something art, it is art for me; but it may not be art for you. I have trouble rapping my mind around this concept. It seems to me, if I may propose an oppinion, that art is a set (or category) of things. Paintings, drawings, statues, etc, are all things we generally accept as art. But surely not every object can be included in this set.

So, I understand your idea, but I can't comprehend the concept itself. Could you please try to clarify it for me? What do you think of my idea; does it seem legitimate?

Now available to score films.

"Contrary to the old saying, the trick is not to expect but accept the unexpec..." ~ Rick Rascal

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

Art is everything. But not everything is good art.

Max, She/They

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

Max Butcher described it perfectly.

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

I remember someone saying "art is everything that defines itself as art".
Someone I know told me "Art can be anything that can teach you something about life".
I think both definitions work.

I also agree with Max, but I would change saying "Art could be everything".

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

Max Butcher is correct.

the "Song' "4:33" by Jon Cage is a recording of the "Artist" sitting at a piano for the length of time in the piece and not playing a note, and the ambient sounds are the piece of art (people coughing, etc.)  That is considered art/ classical music

Also, I dare you to listen to the 7-minute classical piece, "It's Gonna Rain" by Steve Reich (1966).  Listen with headphones, then without, for two different experiences.  I'm considering using this work in "Holding Our Own" Episode 6.

Adolf Hitler considered anything visual that wasn't realsim "Bad Art" and had a department that banned/burned it all.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

I greatly dislike people saying that bad art is not art.  It's not that it isn't art, it's just that it's art that's really bad.

I consider art to be just about anything that someone makes creatively.  Not all art has to be emotional or send a message, or have some sort of meaning, sometimes someone can just make art because it looks nice, and sometimes people just make art because they feel like doing it.

Even something as simple as a small joke is art.  of course, it's not quite as impressive as something like a large detailed painting, but it still requires some sort of creativity.  I often times feel clever about myself for creating a joke much in the way that I feel after creating something much bigger like a video, however, this feeling is much less substantial since a joke is much easier to create and requires little effort.

I get a little annoyed when people only think of art as paintings, drawings, sculptures, and music.  I'd imagine a decent length brickfilm requires a lot more time and effort than some paintings.

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

These are some interesting oppinions. However, I do have a tiny rub with the idea that "Art is everything..."-Max Butcher.
I, personally, don't accept the idea that a tree, growing in the woods where no one will ever see it, is art. It wasn't created by anyone (unless you believe in God, which I do, but let's not get sidetracked). Anything one might find in nature I wouldn't call art. But that's just me. Any thoughts?

Now available to score films.

"Contrary to the old saying, the trick is not to expect but accept the unexpec..." ~ Rick Rascal

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

I would probably say that anything someone has invested their energy, creativity, ideas, time, or skills into, with the intent for it to be enjoyed by anyone or invoke though, emotion, or feeling, into anyone, is art.

That's just the definition I would give it, art is such a subjective term it's not really defined as a simple statement because everyone has a different idea of art.  But that's my opinion.

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

I've thought about this a bit, and I've never really come up with an answer because I keep convincing myself I'm wrong. At the moment I quite like JonnDthunDer's definition. I'm not sure it's perfect, but then again I don't think I personally will ever settle of a strict definition anyway, so whatever.

I used to think that for something to be art, it had to be intended as art by the creator, but then I convinced myself otherwise through this example: My dad is a landscape architect, he's designed a lot of streetscapes, promenades, boardwalks, and parks, a lot of beautiful parks. I think most people will agree that a park is art; each tree, bench, flower, path, and patch of grass put in place for a reason, for people to enjoy in a certain way; it fits almost every definition of art you can find. But I don't think my dad considers himself an artist, nor his parks works of art, but despite this they most definitely are. So from this I debunked my own belief that art had to be considered art by it's creator.

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

I took this class called Great Ideas, in which someone will bring up a question and we'll discuss it for a while. Well, this question was bound to come up, and throughout the discussions I held the point of view that if someone deems something art at all then hell yes that is an art right there. see that shark, it is art. so is the toilet. and the soup advert. they are all an art. yes. i love arts.

think about it this way. "The Last Airbender" is a bad movie. Does that stop anyone from agreeing that it is a movie, though? It is still considered a movie. So why, on a larger scale, is "bad art" considered to be not art?

Needless to say the class conversation stagnated there for weeks on end and I later considered derailing the topic by asking the class "can tweets be considered an art?"

Re: What is "ART" - Defining a Term

The entire history of the universe is one huge work of art....???

And, oh, yeah.  tweets are definitely art!  Especially the concept of expressing as clear a thought as possible that others can understand with a limited palette (140 chars), which really causes tweeters to exploit each character to the fullest (and get creative to do it)

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."