Topic: The Lone Ranger

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The Lone Ranger


A short film I made shortly before Christmas but just got around to finishing.

This may not make much sense, and If you have ever seen the new Lone Ranger, it still might not make sense.

Re: The Lone Ranger

Damn Rabbits.
Great movie, great short.

Re: The Lone Ranger

I love it so much GEF. The animation was great! You did a good job on the environment too.

"I wear black even when I'm not animating. I'm like a walking funeral parlor."

Re: The Lone Ranger

I first hesitated to watch, since I didn't like the Lone Ranger movie with J.Depp, yet this didn't turn up as such.

Re: The Lone Ranger

Thanks guys for the supportive comments.

I made this video the day after THAC II just for fun, and was not originally intending to release this because it did not have camera movement which we love to do, and the lighting was not quite up to snuff. But we needed a filler movie while we worked on some lengthier more epic stuff.

erimbirol wrote:

I first hesitated to watch, since I didn't like the Lone Ranger movie with J.Depp, yet this didn't turn up as such.

Ya, the new one isn't quite like the old ones. I actually made this before I saw the new Lone Ranger, and was surprised to find my movie actually fit with their weird "nature out of balance" thing they did with the rabbits.