Re: Spoilers! (opinion poll)

Galactic, I feel for you. I was spoiled for both of them from as soon as I started reading Spider-man comics...but that's okay, since adaptations are different. Reading LotR and then seeing the films isn't the same as someone shouting out the end of the film before you see or read either of them.
"Nothing goes down 'less I'm involved. No nuggets. No onion rings. No nothin'. A cheeseburger gets sold in the park, I want in! You got fat while we starved on the it's my turn!" -Harley Morenstein

Re: Spoilers! (opinion poll)

Yeah I've never read the comics. But me and one of my friends were talking about The Winter Soilder and then he starts talking about Spider-Man thinking I had seen it already!

Spoiler (click to read)

so now I know that Gwen dies!!!!

Re: Spoilers! (opinion poll)

I wish I didn't read the comics cause now everything is spoiled. Oh well...

Re: Spoilers! (opinion poll)

i feel like people blow spoilers way out of proportion like. oh my god my life just ended because you told me darth vader is luke skywalker's uncle or whatever the hell

like idk. they dont bother me, i try to avoid them when i'm excited for something, but i dont really mind because i usually judge things for the actual content of the story and how it's presented and the way they get to the "surprising" plot points

tbh so much stuff nowadays feels really predictable i really dont care about the plot points i care more about the way its executed

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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Re: Spoilers! (opinion poll)

Wait! Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's Uncle?!!! NOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!:o

I really don't like spoilers, but I also don't like allusions... Like when a friend starts saying something like, hey, guess who dies in this season of "such and such". And then I'm on edge trying to guess who the heck dies. Allusions aren't worse, but they kind of spoil the experience by just knowing that ""something" is going to happen.

But I usually figure out what's going to happen in a story pretty quickly, like Justin Kidden said, most material is quite predictable.

π Cherry π Banana Cream π Pumpkin π Lemon-Lemon π Black Berry π Quiche π

Re: Spoilers! (opinion poll)

This thread has reminded me of what a dangerous road I'm walking by having not yet seen Captain America 2 or the Amazing Spiderman 1 & 2. A spoiler is gonna get me if I leave it much longer.

Re: Spoilers! (opinion poll)

Just Kidden wrote:

tbh so much stuff nowadays feels really predictable

Actually, lately movies in general have been predictable because Hollywood keeps using the same format for stuff. A lot of comedy movies, family movies, or animated movies aren't just worth watching because they are all the same.

As far as plot twists go, I also think that too many movies try to have plot twists, that way they makes themselves "unpredictable". But honestly, if you are telling the story well enough, or present the audience with a couple different possibilities for the ending, It won't be predictable. Even if the ending is predictable, the audience should still be on the edge of their seat trying to remind themselves that:

"The main character isn't going to lose, this is a kids films! Of course the bad guy isn't going to win, the movie isn't going to let that happen!"

Even though that is probably true, a film that builds suspense well enough will make you forget that no matter how many times you remind yourself.

Take "Toy Story 3", for example

Spoiler (click to read)

Of course they aren't going to let all the toys burn in an incinerator, but everyone felt that suspense the movie created.

Or "Raiders of the Lot Ark"

Spoiler (click to read)

Obviously he is going to get the "magical box of whatever the heck", or the "voodoo rocks of somestupidthing", because its an Indiana jones film. Regardless, the very first time a person watches the one of movies, they usually lose themselves in one of the fight sequences.

So basically, you don't need a "HUGE SHOCKING PLOT TWIST" that can be easily spoiled on the internet, you just need a well made movie. Plot twists are great, don't get me wrong, but there are way too many of them these days.

Also, If it is a good plot twist, yeah, I think spoilers suck.

no more brickfilming *sad face*.