The fact I got a "special thanks" and helped inspire this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. (Yes, really...)
Anyway, I really liked this, this is really funny. I've never seen Avatar, although from what I've heard of it I probably wouldn't want to watch it that much anyway. I thought is was a bit odd that he corrected only one guy sitting at a computer--I thought he'd spend his days corrected several people with misguided cinematic taste before collapsing due to internal bleeding brought on through crashing through too many plate-glass windows, although I suppose you might not have time to do so. I also imagine he must have an entire vault filled with nothing but Citizen Kane DVDs that he gives to the uncorrected masses.
Of course, for the full effect we'd need about three sequels plus a dark gritty reboot (THAT GUY: R E B O R N, perhaps? In which That Guy wakes up from a coma brought on by severe injuries due to crashing through windows to find that the world/internet/village has been taken over by an evil cult dedicated to bad movies that brainwash people by supplying them with inferior cinema?).
Spoiler (click to read)
Also I should probably go watch Citizen Kane now.
EDIT: When I said "although you might not have time to do so" I meant to say "although you might not have had time to add all that into the film". Sorry if that didn't make any sense.
Last edited by Mr Vertigo (May 13, 2014 (01:39pm))
Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)&Smeagol make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph I dunno women are expensive