Topic: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

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That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!


"Dictator of Artistic Taste. Corrector of the masses."

This is probably my most autobiographical Brickfilm yet...

Last edited by Max Butcher (May 10, 2014 (12:40pm))

Max, She/Her

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

I loved this so much. I mean, it's a film of your posts here - what's not to love?

Also nice to see another member of the BU network!
"Nothing goes down 'less I'm involved. No nuggets. No onion rings. No nothin'. A cheeseburger gets sold in the park, I want in! You got fat while we starved on the it's my turn!" -Harley Morenstein

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

I remember the comments that started this. mini/smile
This was a fun short. The main problems were the prop bumps and the occasional light flickers and the occasional shadows that were cast on the set.

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

I didn't think you would really make it. Anyway, great job. It was funny and the animation was good, but the prop bumps and light flicker were very irritating.

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

It's surprising how accurate this is.  I'm so glad that you've actually made this.  Self parody at its best.

This makes me want to create my own self parody film about a dutch angle obsessed lunatic who goes about slanting people's cameras and then punching people in the face for using post production camera movements.  He then starts a cult to sacrifice people wearing polo-shirts to summon the power to make a Batman brickfilm whilst simultaneously criticizing every other Batman brickfilm and snobbishly talk about how he doesn't use software.
And all the while he would make forced references to My Little Pony and Doctor Who.

Also, thank you for making me cognizant of the fact that Cameron lost Best Picture to his ex-wife.  I find this fact extremely amusing.
I thought Avatar was okay, but not a masterpiece of cinema.  James Cameron seems a bit lame at times, though.

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

Right, mental notes to self:

1. Get a webcam that doesn't change its light settings every five seconds
2. Do what Daragh did and stick everything down with Blu-Tac. And I mean everything.

Squid wrote:

I thought Avatar was okay, but not a masterpiece of cinema.  James Cameron seems a bit lame at times, though.

Yeah, Avatar is by no means the worst thing ever. I'm still annoyed how James Cameron still thinks he's created The Seventh Seal and wants to make like 4 sequels (originally this film has the line: "and don't let me catch you getting excited about the endless sequels!" but I cut it because it didn't fit) but there are more important things to get upset about.

This is really parodying what I was like when Avatar first came out. I was one of the small group of people who didn't like the film at all (that group has grown rapidly since) and I was kinda a jerk about my opinion. Since then, everyone seems to think of me as 'The Avatar Guy'. Whilst I still stand by my opinion like the stubbon git I am, I would have taken a much more analytical and reserved approach to criticising the film now (same goes with my views on Doctor Who)

Last edited by Max Butcher (May 11, 2014 (03:41am))

Max, She/Her

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

1. Get a webcam that doesn't change its light settings every five seconds

Actually, you can turn auto exposure off on most webcams. That should fix your flicker problem for the most part.

The guy who got banned more times than DiCaprio said "f***" in The Wolf Of Wall Street.

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

END films wrote:

I remember the comments that started this. mini/smile


That was great, Max. As usual, your film kept me laughing throughout. Nice work, dude!

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

citizen kane is overrated

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
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Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

brickelodeon wrote:

Actually, you can turn auto exposure off on most webcams. That should fix your flicker problem for the most part.

The problem isn't auto-exposure. The problem is the manual exposure suddenly switching to auto. All I can do is turn it back to manual whenever it happens and try to make the lighting look as close at it can to the last shot. I have no idea why it does this considering webcams mostly use software, and software isn't supposed to do crap like this. But its something I'm looking into (or will look into as soon as I get back home to my equipment Tuesday)

Max, She/Her

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

I recommend this program. I don't use it to actually do anything, but it allows you to have complete control over your webcams settings. It has fixed a lot of my lighting problems. Just go to Options>>Video Capture Filter in order to get to the controls.

The guy who got banned more times than DiCaprio said "f***" in The Wolf Of Wall Street.

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

The fact I got a "special thanks" and helped inspire this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. (Yes, really...)

Anyway, I really liked this, this is really funny. I've never seen Avatar, although from what I've heard of it I probably wouldn't want to watch it that much anyway. I thought is was a bit odd that he corrected only one guy sitting at a computer--I thought he'd spend his days corrected several people with misguided cinematic taste before collapsing due to internal bleeding brought on through crashing through too many plate-glass windows, although I suppose you might not have time to do so.  I also imagine he must have an entire vault filled with nothing but Citizen Kane DVDs that he gives to the uncorrected masses.

Of course, for the full effect we'd need about three sequels plus a dark gritty reboot (THAT GUY: R E B O R N, perhaps?  In which That Guy wakes up from a coma brought on by severe injuries due to crashing through windows to find that the world/internet/village has been taken over by an evil cult dedicated to bad movies that brainwash people by supplying them with inferior cinema?).

Spoiler (click to read)

Also I should probably go watch Citizen Kane now.

EDIT: When I said "although you might not have time to do so" I meant to say "although you might not have had time to add all that into the film". Sorry if that didn't make any sense.

Last edited by Mr Vertigo (May 13, 2014 (01:39pm))

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

Great short. And I am one who agrees that Avatar was a complete waste of time.
If i wanna watch annoying blue creatures I will stick with the Smurfs.

Re: That Guy: The Internet's Greatest Superhero!

FlyingMinifig wrote:

I thought he'd spend his days corrected several people with misguided cinematic taste before collapsing due to internal bleeding brought on through crashing through too many plate-glass windows, although I suppose you might not have time to do so.  I also imagine he must have an entire vault filled with nothing but Citizen Kane DVDs that he gives to the uncorrected masses.

Of course, for the full effect we'd need about three sequels plus a dark gritty reboot


Max, She/Her