Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Hunger Games (2012)

Well, I'll admit I'm pretty biased about this series.  I've never liked The Hunger Games; the idea of marketing a book about kids killing other kids to kids disgusts me.  (Yes, I realize this is primarily a teen book, but it still isn't much of a stretch to assume that younger kids might read it as well.) I did read part of the first book, but I didn't think it was anything amazing.

Anyway, while the film itself wasn't horrible, it wasn't anything particularly special.  The storyline was pretty straightforward and predictable.  The set and costume designs, though some of the futuristic sets were cool, weren't anything new or original, and sometimes rather weird. The Peacekeepers look like they're wearing rejected Star Wars uniform designs and high-tech hard hats. mini/eh  As for the camera, there was so much shaky-cam it was actually physically painful to watch at times.

The film itself is pretty cursory; we're never told why The Hunger Games take place, why the Districts haven't long since rebelled against the government; and, we're never truly horrified at the fact that teenagers are being forced to kill each other for entertainment (which I thought is supposed to be the whole point of the film).  The love triangle between Katniss, Peeta, and Gale is a huge cliche; again, nothing new there.

Also, there are loads of plot holes throughout the film:

Spoiler (click to read)

Nobody questions how Katniss apparently managed to become Panem's version of Wilhelm Tell, despite the fact that weapons are banned in District 12 (as mentioned in the book and suggested by the fact she hides her bow in the woods)

Spoiler (click to read)

Peeta manages to disguise himself to completely blend in with his surroundings; even with the futuristic technology, this would still probably take hours upon hours of painstaking work, which, given the facts he'd have very little experience in that sort of thing, and several other people are doing their utmost to kill him, would make that pretty much impossible.

Spoiler (click to read)

When Katniss is stuck in the tree, Rue randomly materializes out of nowhere and points out a Tracker-Jacker nest she's never actually noticed before.  Rather Deus ex Machina.  Then she's knocked out for several days by a few Tracker-Jacker stings, yet virtually all of the other people (excluding the girl with the bow) who got stung many more times than her when the nest fell on them seem perfectly fine.  Also, when Rue dies, Katniss spends ages collecting flowers, despite the fact that the others could return at any time.  Even if she was deliberately trying to win the sympathy of District 11, doing that would still be extremely risky to the point of being suicidal.

All in all, while the film wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen, I fail to see why it ever became so popular.


Last edited by Mr Vertigo (January 21, 2013 (06:17am))

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

October Sky (1999)
Wow, I didn't expect much from this movie but it was very enjoyable. Based on a true story of four boys from a mining town that build rockets and stuff. Don't want to give too much away. mini/tongue
The movie displayed the time that it was set in very well .Lovely movie, must see. 7/10

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Les Miserables
Wow. Just. Wow. I am amazed. I have never had so many feels from watching a movie (exception: Lord of the Rings). I cried like a baby at some points of the movie.

Overall score: 9.5/10

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The last movie I watched was Lincoln. I liked it. Plus, it'll help me a little on my upcoming test on the Civil War. mini/lol

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

FlyingMinifig wrote:

The Hunger Games (2012)

Well, I'll admit I'm pretty biased about this series.  I've never liked The Hunger Games; the idea of marketing a book about kids killing other kids to kids disgusts me.  (Yes, I realize this is primarily a teen book, but it still isn't much of a stretch to assume that younger kids might read it as well.) I did read part of the first book, but I didn't think it was anything amazing.

Anyway, while the film itself wasn't horrible, it wasn't anything particularly special.  The storyline was pretty straightforward and predictable.  The set and costume designs, though some of the futuristic sets were cool, weren't anything new or original, and sometimes rather weird. The Peacekeepers look like they're wearing rejected Star Wars uniform designs and high-tech hard hats. mini/eh  As for the camera, there was so much shaky-cam it was actually physically painful to watch at times.

The film itself is pretty cursory; we're never told why The Hunger Games take place, why the Districts haven't long since rebelled against the government; and, we're never truly horrified at the fact that teenagers are being forced to kill each other for entertainment (which I thought is supposed to be the whole point of the film).  The love triangle between Katniss, Peeta, and Gale is a huge cliche; again, nothing new there.

Also, there are loads of plot holes throughout the film:

Spoiler (click to read)

Nobody questions how Katniss apparently managed to become Panem's version of Wilhelm Tell, despite the fact that weapons are banned in District 12 (as mentioned in the book and suggested by the fact she hides her bow in the woods)

Spoiler (click to read)

Peeta manages to disguise himself to completely blend in with his surroundings; even with the futuristic technology, this would still probably take hours upon hours of painstaking work, which, given the facts he'd have very little experience in that sort of thing, and several other people are doing their utmost to kill him, would make that pretty much impossible.

Spoiler (click to read)

When Katniss is stuck in the tree, Rue randomly materializes out of nowhere and points out a Tracker-Jacker nest she's never actually noticed before.  Rather Deus ex Machina.  Then she's knocked out for several days by a few Tracker-Jacker stings, yet virtually all of the other people (excluding the girl with the bow) who got stung many more times than her when the nest fell on them seem perfectly fine.  Also, when Rue dies, Katniss spends ages collecting flowers, despite the fact that the others could return at any time.  Even if she was deliberately trying to win the sympathy of District 11, doing that would still be extremely risky to the point of being suicidal.

All in all, while the film wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen, I fail to see why it ever became so popular.


You should Check Battle Royale sometime , its better than the hunger games.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Searching For Sugar Man (2012)

Great film about a great musician. I'ts a amazing story and even more amazing when you know that it's true. 4/5

Re: What was the last movie you watched?


If you haven't seen Star Wars...shame on you mini/no

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Last of the Mohicans

The combination of fantastic cinematography, beautiful locations, an absolutely brilliant soundtrack, an amazing cast,  plot and historical accuracy makes this easily one of my all time favourite movies.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Beasts of the Southern Wild
An interesting movie. Very unique. I liked the shaky camera effect for it made me feel more in the movie than watching it. Overall, I liked it; It was unlike other movies.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Yeah I gotta agree with FlyingMinifig. Hunger Games was an average film to me and it definitely did not deserve the popularity it got (same with Twilight).

Django Unchained
"I like the way you die, boy." that was one darn good film. One of the best by Tarantino. The guy is among my favorite movie directors ever. The dialogues are his trademark, once you hear those you know it's all Q.T. This film is full of funny and sad moments and it's really a mix of all kinds of genre. Perfectly played. There's brutal violence for male teens, there's comedy and intelligent dialogue for more educated people and overall it's a movie that anyone from 16-55 can enjoy. My parents had a lot of fun, my sis and I were entertained as well. Great film!


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Birds (1963)

A really gripping, freaky movie. I've never seen an Alfred Hitchcock film, before I watched this, but this was freaky. Not scary, just freaky. A really good movie.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Because a lot of people have been talking about these three films recently:

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

This is actually brilliant. Its Hollywood escapism at its most simple and direct. Its like a great game: There is a basic plotline and basic character archetypes, but there is also an immersive world with tiny, fun little details one can get caught up in (I'm thinking of Portal 2, which if you pay attention to the Easter Eggs then you can get really get entangled in the story)

I wish the fight between Obi-Wan and Vader was better choreographed. I prefer it to the prequels where its so over-choreographed it looks ridiculous, but I've always thought it could have been better. I suppose one could blame the technology of the early lightsabers. The reason why both combatants stay in the same square of space is probably because if they move about too much it'll be difficult to rotoscope. Also, the lightsaber blades were made of wood and thus broke all the time.

Its not perfect. Its not Citizen Kane or The Seventh Seal - but everything about it is memorable. From the iconic opening shot (which still makes me go "WHOAH!" every time I see it) to the final ceremony - which casually brushes aside the fact that more minor-characters died during the final battle died than in a slasher-film. There is a reason why this franchise is still so beloved despite all the crap Lucas has put the fans through.

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

The Empire Strikes Back is my favourite title to any Star Wars film. Its just so over-dramatic and B Movie-like that its glorious. Its a title that's made to be said in a deep trailer-guy voice.

I feel like I should like this more than Episode IV. The humour is better, the dialogue is better, the acting is better, the effects are better...but its just not as memorable. As a child I felt the movie kinda dragged, a view I don't share today because as an adult I now have an attention span (unlike all the idiots from my generation who call Alien boring because it actually waits to reveal the Alien instead of showing them before the opening credits *COUGH*Prometheus*COUGH*)

I never liked the romance between Leia and Han. It just comes out of nowhere. They don't do anything that makes them bond, they just suddenly kiss and the film is like "They have a thing for each-other now!"

This film has the only necessary Special Edition alteration to it. In the original version, the transmission from the Emperor looked nothing like the Emperor in Episode VI. Here, the addition of Ian makes it not only fit in with Episode III, but also with Episode VI. In fact, aside from a few dodgy-looking CGI snow-speeders, if there are any major changes I didn't notice them.

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

This is much worse than I remember it. It does have brilliant moments. Any sequence with The Emperor in it is delicious. I love over-the-top villains, and The Emperor is probably the best example. He's evil, he has control of the entire empire, and he's loving every second of it.

The conflict between Luke and Vader is fascinating. With the twist at the end of Episode V, their relationship has completely reversed. Its interesting to watch, and the pay-off is well built up and executed. Its a shame the Blu-Ray added that ridiculous "NNNOOOO!!" in, as even though I'm watching the 2004 release (which still has amazing picture quality considering its a DVD and these films were made in the 70's/80's) I still hear that stupid sound playing in my head.

But...the whole sequence with Jabba is stupid. It is the most overly complicated plan ever. Jabba is a memorable character, but that's it. The song-and-dance sequence (mostly from the special edition) stops the film fact, this entire thing in the palace stops everything dead. There is a robot torture chamber; which is stupid because robots don't feel pain, and there is the fat guy who calls the Rancor 'Tiny' and cries when it dies. There is that guy with the tentacles on his head who strokes R2-D2 like he's Jimmy Saville (too soon?), and Leia gets put in the tiniest outfit possible to do....goodness knows what for Jabba (in the scene where Luke finally shows up, I expect him to suddenly notice Leia mid-sentence and be like "You will bring Captain So-WHOA! DAYMN GURL!!")

Spoiler (click to read)

Yoda's death is basically because Lucas was like "Oh crap! I forgot about the Muppet! Uh...lets just get rid of him. He doesn't have to complete his training, that'll waste time! Lets have more teddy bears and dance sequences!
He's like a soap-opera character: he just suddenly drops dead due to some unexplained reason because its dramatically convenient.

So overall, the Original Trilogy still holds up. They are not masterpieces, and Episode VI is kinda a taste of what's to come with the prequels, but its all good fun and DOESN'T NEED ANY SEQUELS!!

Last edited by Max Butcher (January 30, 2013 (03:52pm))

Max, She/They

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Max Butcher wrote:

Because a lot of people have been talking about these three films recently:

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope



Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Wow, you even criticize the originals to death.

Max Butcher wrote:

There is a robot torture chamber; which is stupid because robots don't feel pain

Obviously, the advanced technology in Star Wars allows their robots to be programed to feel pain. As it can be plainly seen that droids also have plenty of emotion, much like people.
There are plenty of other parts in Star Wars where droids seem to experience pain. It fits in well enough.

The rational thing to criticize would be why they have emotions and pain in the first place.
I was thinking about that last year when I was re-watching it.

I'm guessing that nasty people like Jabba like to abuse their servants, making the droids just do everything you want would be too boring.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I've never had a problem with robots having emotion, (its VERY difficult to write emotionless beings. I know - I've tried it) but I still don't get why you would want to make robots feel pain. I'm not just saying this for Star Wars; a lot of other films and books and games make robots feel pain. I get it for if you want a robot companion that's supposed to be as close to a human as possible, but if you just want a functional robot to do jobs for you then adding the ability to feel pain is stupid - as the robot will become tired and won't be able to do as much work.

There are other ways to punish a robot. Pull out its arms so its functions are limited. Disable certain parts of its brain. Erase its memory, or just blow it up.

Squid wrote:

Wow, you even criticize the originals to death.

Hardly. With the exception of Return of the Jedi, the only flaws I can name are either minor or quirky little things I enjoy dissecting.

One thing that's always bugged me with the Star Wars franchise is that toilets do not exist. Its hilarious reading books that show diagrams of all the Star Wars locations - and not a single toilet is in sight. I've seen cross-sections and blueprints of the Millennium Falcon, and its very impressive but I quickly realise "There's no bathroom! Not only can they not relieve themselves, but they can't even take a shower!? The falcon must stink..."

I don't hold this against any of the films. I do not expect to see a scene where Han re-emerges with a shifty expression on his face, sits down carefully, and says to Luke: "You might want to leave it for a minute". Again, its just a quirky little thing I enjoy dissecting.

Max, She/They

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Max Butcher wrote:

There are other ways to punish a robot. Pull out its arms so its functions are limited. Disable certain parts of its brain. Erase its memory, or just blow it up.

Or you can give the robot the ability to feel pain and make him suffer, now that I think of it.

Max Butcher wrote:

One thing that's always bugged me with the Star Wars franchise is that toilets do not exist. Its hilarious reading books that show diagrams of all the Star Wars locations - and not a single toilet is in sight. I've seen cross-sections and blueprints of the Millennium Falcon, and its very impressive but I quickly realise "There's no bathroom! Not only can they not relieve themselves, but they can't even take a shower!? The falcon must stink..."

I don't hold this against any of the films. I do not expect to see a scene where Han re-emerges with a shifty expression on his face, sits down carefully, and says to Luke: "You might want to leave it for a minute". Again, its just a quirky little thing I enjoy dissecting.

My father always joked about not seeing toilets in sci-fi movies: "we'll never know how a toilet will look in the future".
Of all the science fiction movies that I've seen, only 2001: A Space Odyssey shows briefly a toilet  (actually, only its instructions).

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Ruby Sparks

Such a beautiful movie! Luved it! Plus Zoe Kazan = cutie! Only when the end credits began I noticed that in fact she wrote the script herself.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Max Butcher wrote:

There are other ways to punish a robot. Pull out its arms so its functions are limited. Disable certain parts of its brain. Erase its memory, or just blow it up.

That still doesn't negate the need for a robot torture chamber.  After all, it'd make sense to have a specific place to "punish" robots by ripping off their appendages etc.

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

In reference to the toilet thing, most films in general do not have toilets, unless the toilet is directly involved in the story (e.g. the confrontation that takes place in the bathroom in Johnny English Reborn...)
I suppose the reason for this is the same as why a lot of aspects of life are not usually referred to: they do not advance the plot at all.
I actually watched The Fellowship of the Ring for the first time. Not having read the books, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Amazing scenery and set design. And a lot of other stuff.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Envy (2004)

A great comedy! I don't understand why this got such negative reviews. It was really good.


Dr. Strangelove (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) (1963)

That was, indeed, strange. By the ending, I was like "lolwut?"


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?