Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Hobbit: an Unexpected Jourmey
Uhm...that was...bad?
I haven't read any of the books, so I don't know how close it was to it's source. It was predictable most of the time, there were some annoying clichés, and the CGI was disappointing. It was technically well done: sets and costumes were all right.
I didn't really like Bilbo's acting, sometimes it felt exaggerated.
However, Gollum is always a pleasure to watch.
I'm disappointed. 2.5/5

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Amazing Spider-man
Got it on Blu Ray for Xmas and I gotta say it looks and sounds great.  However, it felt like a really unnecessary film and a bit lacklustre.  Still, it wasn't bad, just not "Amazing".

Last edited by Saminatorger (December 27, 2012 (12:12am))
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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
I can't fully agree with MPfist0 on this one, I thought that through most of it it was wonderful. There were a couple spots, though, that had very disappointing CGI

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especially the shot with the chimney

, but the costumes, the sets, the characters, and such were fantastic.


The Perfect Gift
Not really a whole lot to say about this, it's just a fun Christmas film.

The Adventures of Tintin
Since it came out I have been continually told to watch this, and it finally came in at the library. Wow that was great.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack
The animation techniques were very good in this movie and the story of this anime continues from double zeta gundam focusing more on the Londo bell not the A.E.U.G (Anti Earth Union Group).

They did take it too far an i have not seen any of the previous series from the universal century series , It was very disappointing when most of it had a lot of dialogue that makes you want to make a cup of coffee until the dialogue ends.

Final score 9.1/10

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Dredd 3D

If you're looking for a decent action flick then this is it. I luved it.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

It was a very good film but very sad and grim.
Still, it was very well written.
The only bits of the film I didn't like

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were when the little kid became telekinetic; it just didn't fit in with the rest of the film mini/confused

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Les Miserables (2012)

My mom had seen the actual play on Broadway when she was about my age. And I'd heard her talk about it and sing some of the songs, and I'd heard Master of the House on the radio one day. So, when I told her about the film adaptation, she seemed excited.

But, I'll be honest. I didn't hate the movie, and I didn't think it was a huge disappointment. I just think it focused on "icky" parts too much. The swear words in the lyrics is one thing; you can't change that. And Fantine's job is her job. But, I wasn't expecting them to embellish that content; for example,

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in the scene with the Thénardiers, a lady walked in and it was blatantly obvious that the camera focused on (and zoomed in on) her breasts.

I think they [the filmmakers] overdid those inappropriate parts, so I tried to look past them and just focus on the movie itself.

I enjoyed how they executed the fight scenes. I know it was pretty grisly, but there wasn't blood all over. And

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Javert's death made me jump a bit, because it looked painful.

Also, I didn't care for the director (Tom Hooper, who won Best Director for The King's Speech (2010)) and I didn't believe that Sacha Baron Cohen, coming from acting in many nasty comedy films, could pull off such a serious role as Thénardier. But, he had his moments where his joking around fit in with the film.

I cried at the part where

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Fantine sings I Dream a Dream

and I enjoyed how the ending played out. I guess this was a really good film, and it might even win an Oscar or two.


Last edited by Mickey (December 28, 2012 (06:47pm))

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

I'd say it was...good. I liked the beautiful traveling shots, the scene where the Misty Mountains song was sang, and I especially loved the Riddles in the Dark scene and the sequence where Bilbo attempts to *spoilers* kill Gollum but can't because he feels sorry for him; that fit in very well, especially with the fact that it ties to Frodo not being able to kill Gollum in the Lord Of The Rings. However, I felt there was a lot unnecessary stuff. First (lots of spoilers incoming), the whole thing where Thorin goes through the fire to fight Azog was a little too cliche, and the fact that Bilbo actually saved Thorin's life just didn't fit the character, in my opinion. I also don't entirely like the design of the dwarves; it feels different from the Lord Of The Rings, and just didn't feel Middle Earth-ish. I felt like only some of the jokes at the beginning weren't very funny and were a little childish, but otherwise the rest wasn't bad. Overall I knew it was going to be different from the Lord Of The Rings; the whole Hobbit is more of a fantasy fairy tale, and not as epic as the Lord Of The Rings, but I didn't expect to feel like it was happening in a completely different style Middle Earth than LOTR, and I didn't like that that much. But other than, it's enjoyable. Martin Freeman is an awesome actor and I think he fits Bilbo well, and the same with the rest of the cast. So, even though I disliked some things about it, I still enjoyed it.

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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Airplane! (1980)
My friend had been telling me how funny it was so I finally decided to watch it. I thought it was pretty funny.

Bruce Almighty (2003)
My first time watching this. I actually liked it a lot!

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I don't understand, though, how Bruce made the dog go to the bathroom in the toilet because I believe that's against freewill?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Movie.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Really enjoyed it. Rita was very sexy, and Put the Blame on Mame is stuck in my head now

I really love this film. Gene is one of the most gorgeous women of classic Hollywood without a doubt. The twist was nice, and I loved the ending.

Last edited by KinzCove (April 26, 2013 (02:54pm))

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Bruce Almighty
I liked it. It definitely had some funny parts and some not serious but parts where you get to know what was going on. 


I always hear my friends talking about this so I descided to watch it.
It was very funny!


Beverly Hills Cop
I loved this movie it was great! Eddie Murphy was the main character (the cop) he did a great job! Very funny, very enjoyable to watch!


Last edited by Stephen (December 31, 2012 (05:30pm))

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Les Miserables
I saw this the day it came out and seriously I was crying constantly throughout the entire film. The only time I got a break is when I went to the bathroom and I came back and immediately started crying again. Anne Hathaway was just amazing singing a broken "I dreamed a dream" as Fantine

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After giving up her dignity by having her hair shaved off, her teeth pulled out, and starting a life of prostitution all to save money for her daughter Corsette.

Hugh Jackman was outstanding as Jean Valjean and his kindness. Amanda Seyfried was amazing at singing her parts. Samantha Brooks made me cry

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When she sang her goodbye to her love who didn't love her back Marius.

Russell Crowe was awesome at playing a cruel police sergeant. All around the acting and singing was amazing.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I saw Le Mis a few days ago. I thought it was good, but something didn't quite click for me. The characters each seemed underdeveloped, apart from Jean/Hugh Jackman's character. Javert/Russel Crowe's character in particular came across as being too mechanical and one dimensional. It was hard to appreciate the fact that he thought he was doing the right thing when he came across as if he was a napoleonic robocop,

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and his atonement seemed meaningless. Once he learned the world wasn't black and white he commits suicide? It felt flat.

Also, I didn't feel like I had enough emotional investment in any of the characters to even think about crying for any of them.

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It felt as if I was being introduced to a new character only to have their heartache/death play out on screen before I'd even had a chance to learn who they were. The young child in the 1932 revolt in particular, I wanted to feel my heart wrench at that scene but I didn't feel anything. I barely knew who the kid was and he had already been killed off.

Last edited by Riley (December 30, 2012 (11:01am))

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Twelve Monkeys

Watch it if you haven't done that yet. Among the best films of the 1990's for sure!

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Boredom

Well that kinda sucked...


I don't have alot to say so if you are wondering what I thought in a more in depth look just ask

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Edward Scissorhands (1990)

I liked that film. It's got a cute little story.


Anne of Green Gables (1985)

My mom had read the book and seen it as a little girl (she says it's in her Top Ten). I found it at the library, so I thought it looked interesting. I gotta admit, it was a real good film.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The 99th post on page I think 5 is almost exactly 4 years ago!

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

My family decided to have a New Year's comedy movie marathon. Oh, and happy 2013 everyone. mini/smile

So I Married An Axe Murderer (1993)

Pretty good, and pretty funny. But, I'm not a huge Mike Myers fan, and he hasn't been in much lately.


Multiplicity (1996)

A long running time (at 118 minutes) for a comedy film, but I still enjoyed it.


One Crazy Summer (1986)

It didn't feel slow at all, I think it got right to the point. I noticed that director/writer Savage Steve Holland and John Cusack collaborated on, not only this, but Better Off Dead as well.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I'd say it's safe to say The Hobbit: An Unexpected Flop was the worst experience i've ever had in a movie theatre