Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I shall see the Shire again tomorrow.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Tobias wrote:

Because of that, only the Return of the King had four and a quarter hours.

mini/twitch mini/dizzy

And I thought the three-and-a-half hours version was long...

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

FlyingMinifig wrote:
Tobias wrote:

Because of that, only the Return of the King had four and a quarter hours.

mini/twitch mini/dizzy

And I thought the three-and-a-half hours version was long...

Hehe. Yep, when you sit down to watch the Extended Return of the King, you are in for a sit. It is awesome though. Love those movies... except the Extended RotK has some of the most ridiculous additions to the trilogy... O well...

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Saw The Hobbit last night at midnight. It was good.

That's all I have to say.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3D HFR

mini/twitch Movies don't get any better that that....Period.

The acting, effects, story and music were all simply amazing. While I do have a few itty, bitty nit-picks, there're not even worth mentioning. I had very high expectations for this movie, and it exceeded every one of them. And yes, it's my new favorite movie. You'll probably hear enough about the movie itself from other reviews, so I'll close with a word on the format. And the word is: "Cool!"

I don't think it's the super-duper fantastically amazing miracle that some have claimed, but I'll say this much, that it's where the future of cinema is heading. It takes a few minutes to get used to, but the clarity is great, and it just feels better. I guess you could compare it in a way to Blu-rays and DVDs. The new one's obviously better, and will eventually take over, but it's not a radical enough change to make the old format obsolete in only a couple of years.
Anyway, that's all for now.

9.9/10 (I'm saving 10/10 for the sequels. mini/wink)

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Pritchard Studios wrote:

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3D HFR

mini/twitch Movies don't get any better that that....Period.

The acting, effects, story and music were all simply amazing. While I do have a few itty, bitty nit-picks, there're not even worth mentioning. I had very high expectations for this movie, and it exceeded every one of them. And yes, it's my new favorite movie. You'll probably hear enough about the movie itself from other reviews, so I'll close with a word on the format. And the word is: "Cool!"

I don't think it's the super-duper fantastically amazing miracle that some have claimed, but I'll say this much, that it's where the future of cinema is heading. It takes a few minutes to get used to, but the clarity is great, and it just feels better. I guess you could compare it in a way to Blu-rays and DVDs. The new one's obviously better, and will eventually take over, but it's not a radical enough change to make the old format obsolete in only a couple of years.
Anyway, that's all for now.

9.9/10 (I'm saving 10/10 for the sequels. mini/wink)

Whaat? 6/10 ,no more.  mini/wink

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

While everyone was waiting in line to see midnight showings of The Hobbit I watched My Neighbors the Yamadas on the comfort of my own home, it was fun and cute while being understated. I even got to bed by midnight, woo!

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

SlothPaladin wrote:

I watched My Neighbors the Yamadas on the comfort of my own home, it was fun and cute while being understated. I even got to bed by midnight, woo!

Aw, that's a good one.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Hobbit
I have been looking forward to this film for a very, very long time with great excitement. The Lord of the Rings ties as my favorite film ever, and the Hobbit is my most absolutely favorite book that I've ever read. Also, I really like like Martin Freeman was cast as Bilbo. So, yeah, I really wanted to watch this.
And to say it lived up to my expectations wouldn't be true.

It was so amazingly awful that I felt like I was going to cry. No I'm not joking. That was horrible. mini/sad
I feel rather depressed now, and rather angry at the same time. I feel the urge to punch something or someone in the face.

And, no, I am still not joking.

The reason it was so tremendously terrible, was something about the movement of everything looked really awkward. Really, really awkward. I don't know a way to tell you how bad it looked. But it was really bad.
I have a feeling it might have been something to do with the high frame rate, though, it could have been the theater messing it up. I don't know. My mother and brother both agreed that it looked odd, and they had gone to the midnight showing earlier today with regular frame rate.

I really don't know why it is it looked like that. it looked like some bad move, except it was like Lord of the Rings at the same time. It basically ruined the film for me, because EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. anything moved, it looked horrible.

Besides that though, it was really, really wonderful. The costumes, the sets, the effects, the cast, camera, acting, story. It was brilliant! It was so good that I felt like crying (doubly at that point).
But the brilliance of the film just makes it more depressing. mini/sad

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The movement issue you're referring to would be entirely due to the framerate, just see 24 fps presentations of it in the future if you don't like it I guess. It's got a fairly clean, video look to it that would still be present at 24 fps, but it's not unlike other films shot digitally so I'm sure the 48 fps element is what you're referring to.

I liked the film, especially the 48 fps presentation, though it definitely takes some getting used to. I thought the pacing was pretty bad, not because it was slow, but because there was no rising action or shape to the plot. It was pretty much an action scene, followed by a slow dialog scene, repeat ad nauseum. I could not have told you at any point that we were getting close to the middle, the end, etc. except based on how long it had been going.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

Oh my gosh.

A really great film! I went to see it with two boys in my Boy Scout troop, and they loved it as well! Of course, the film is 2 hours and 50 minutes long, so because I had some Fruit Juice Fanta before it started, I "held it in" until the end. mini/lol

But, this was really, really good. And I don't know what others are saying about this. I didn't really notice the high frame rate issue, and if it was there, it was only at the beginning (inside the house with Bilbo and Frodo) once or twice. I enjoyed the acting and the battle sequences were brilliantly choreographed. I also loved the Lonely Mountain song at the end. I don't know if it was better than The Lord of the Rings, but it was still a really good film. mini/wink


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Gonna shake things up here!

Cloud Atlas

The novel being one of my favorite books all time, gave me high hopes for this film. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. I can see why the film is hated by some people, because it’s hugely complex and spans three hours with six different stories. The casting was great, as was the make-up. The cinematography and special effects were marvelous. But, best of all was the editing. When someone in this timeline was fighting/doing something heroic as was the other person, this kept the tone and feel of the scene intact.

Something that did look a bit awkward was that Tom Hanks played an Asian in a small part. I don't understand why they had to keep him for that role, and not just cast an Asian person (seriously though, Tom Hanks looks freaky as an Asian).

Overall a very lovely movie, 9.5/10

Last edited by Keesret (December 16, 2012 (02:58am))

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Martian Child (2007)

An OK movie, and I do think John Cusack is a good actor, but it was a little boring. I think it's a little more of a parenting film.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

City Slickers (1991) and Dave (1993)
Both really good movies. It's nice to watch some of the older films sometimes rather than just the ones that were newly released.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Back to the Future
For a film made in the 80's (UGH) this is way better than any modern day film. I had seen it before and I was freaking out towards the end. Despite being pretty much the most engaging film ever made it was also completely hilarious at times. My favorite bit was the guy in the ice cream parlour who decides to run for mayor mini/cat

Second time I see this, and I still cannot get over the uniqueness of this film. And the great part is, it has the quirky charm and intelligence of an indie film, and it has the superb acting ability of none other than Jack Black (AKA best panda EVR.)
"Somethin' just crawled up his butt!" mini/delirium

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Just watched A Woman is a Woman (1961) and it was one of the strangest movies I have seen in a long time. A friend who watched it with me compared it to The Saddest Music in the World in terms of weirdness (but that film was an instant classic in my book) it was pretty abrasive from the start, mostly due to the way the sound was handled, but was pretty funny once you get past the unusual way it was edited and scored. I'm still not sure if I should give it 3/5 or 4/5 on Netflix.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

topitmunkeydog (on the subject of the 80s wrote:


And, what on Earth is wrong with the 80s?

Mulan (1998)

A good Disney film, but I think The Lion King is better.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

If you watch the clip that I linked to, Moss says "Ugh, set in the 80s!" because that's the only thing he could find wrong with it.

Don't get me wrong, the 80's seem awesome. Especially because back then there were weird New Wave bands and Star Wars was good. mini/smile

Re: What was the last movie you watched?


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer

I've seen this film several times, I grew up with this film. But I never actually saw it after I started brickfilming until now.
It's interesting to see a professional stop-motion film that's really popular, but your animation is actually somewhat smoother than it. He he

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1979)

This film is wonderful. It's kinda cheesy in the animation, but, wow, it's wonderful.