Topic: Alone
This is secretly me testing out the whole dark expanse/on a dark desk look, but I felt like making something with a little substance.
Last edited by backyardlegos (February 11, 2014 (07:44pm))
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This is secretly me testing out the whole dark expanse/on a dark desk look, but I felt like making something with a little substance.
Last edited by backyardlegos (February 11, 2014 (07:44pm))
EDIT: Alright seriously, I didn't get the joke. It kind of went over my head, sorry.
I liked the lighting and setup though. I think the only constructive thing I can say is that the F-bomb at the end felt out of place to me. Like even contextually it felt like it didn't fit. Maybe that's just me though.
Last edited by Walter Benson (February 3, 2014 (08:55am))
Okay, so between here and YouTube comments it's pretty clear that people are confused by this thing. I'd respond with an explanation, but I don't have one. The idea popped into my head at like 9pm two days before I returned to college, so I animated it that night in a couple of hours, in between doing some photography stuff I had to get done before I left. I then edited it a week later at midnight after having a full day of classes and having been working in a research lab in for most of the afternoon, so it ended up kind of weird. Like I said before, I was really just testing out the aesthetic, which I will certainly use eventually for a longer film without a stupid and poorly executed joke at the end. My life has been rough at best the last month and a half, and unfortunately I thing it's reflected in my animations (I have a ton of scrapped shots and tests from the last month or so). I'm very aware this isn't my best work, and there's better stuff coming, I promise. Interestingly people seem to be interpreting this video in different ways, which I find funny since it was supposed to be simple and stupid.
Last edited by backyardlegos (February 3, 2014 (02:02pm))
Thanks for adding to the thread Carroll.
Overall, it looked really great backyard-- the coloration, lighting, etc. I laughed at the very end. Yeah it was lacking a story and whatever, but... duh.
Either way, nice little flick.
Why did you have to swear? IT DIDN'T EVEN FIT!!
For those of you who were concerned with it, I cut the last end bit off, so now it's just a stupid, but much less offensive, test. I felt like it stuck out poorly from my other work, and figured it was better to just remove that part.
I've only seen the edited version but, I actually find it creepy.
This little dude alone on a dark desk seeming so oblivious to that fact.
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