Topic: Facebook is down

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I'm not a filmmaker and this is just a hobby, but this is a hobby that I want to get right.

I'm looking for free resources that can help me with set + lighting design (color schemes), storytelling, camera, sound and editing techniques to help me convey my ideas or communicate my style in a more accessible manner. (emphasis: FREE resources, yup, it's just a hobby so don't really feel like spending too much money on this.)

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Re: Facebook is down

I'll be the first to give feedback. The animation was unbearably slow, the story was hard to understand, and the lighting was poor. But, since this is your first brickfilm (I'm assuming), that can easily be overlooked.

What is your frame rate? Whatever it is, raise it. And be sure to use a desk lamp for your films, so as to illuminate your sets/frames and make your story more realistic. And don't use Windows Movie Maker, I would suggest using MonkeyJam, Helium Frog (though I believe the website is down, last time I checked--yesterday), or even check out the Free Software List. That thread can be found in the Software & Hardware forum (just above the Audio forum).

Hope this helps. Keep trying!

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Facebook is down

Thanks for taking the time to watch the video and commenting.

Wished I knew about MonkeyJam and Helium Frog before making this....anyways, maybe for my next one I will.

I used desk lamps before though but that made all the scenes look too bright. Strangely, the plastic quality of minifigs inspired me to "explore my dark and morbid" side. mini/smile  I've done too many bright and cheery things. Also, I am a huge fan of surrealism.

I am hoping to create characters that are stoic and mysterious. Has anybody around here attempted something that is dark, mysterious and surreal? I would love to study them before making my next one.

Thanks again for the feedback. Really appreciate it.

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Re: Facebook is down

Mickey wrote:

the lighting was poor.

actually, I must say that the lighting was very well done and extremely creative. I am glad to see somebody is actually trying in that aspect of brickfilming. It was really, really good.

Personally I liked the 5 FPS kinda look (for this video, at least). Of course, that's just me. A lot people can't stand a low frame rate and its probably best to try and raise it if you have the time.

But mickey is definitely right about the story. That was a bit confusing. mini/confused

Last edited by PushOverProductions (January 22, 2014 (11:02am))

no more brickfilming *sad face*.

Re: Facebook is down

if you would have actually animated this this would have been so cool

the lighting was incredible and you have a good sense of cinematography and framing

as previously stated the animation wasn't very good, that was pretty much the only problem

pretty good

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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Re: Facebook is down

Thanks for the encouragement. You guys Rock!

I just figured out this 10 FPS thing. I'm thinking of mixing up the frame rates and lighting designs for my next one. I do really want to make something that most audiences are used to watching but something inside me keeps telling me to 'break the rules, break the rules...' mini/lol mini/lol I think I'll just make one more that is not as mainstream as it should be and see what happens. Or maybe I should also spend some time figuring out what people like to watch.

Yes the narrative is pretty problematic. Actually I shot scenes about a shrine being built for that white "zompire" character that he was trying to get to to be worshiped after being elevated to Gawd status. But all those scenes looked terrible, so I deleted all of them and re-wrote the middle part. Now the story is just a guy who keeps hopping around while having flashbacks. I should have made test shots for my whole storyboard, now I know better I guess.

Thanks again for the input. You've just made my whole week!

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