Topic: NNN Chapter 2 - Robots!
NNN Chapter 2 - Robots!
Many of you have already seen the individual segments that make this up, but here they are all together as they are meant to be seen.
Robots have invaded Figuria! Should we flee in terror? Or just laugh at them? As always, Phil, Sherry, and the rest of the Nightly News at Nine team have the inside scoop.
Will ROBOphelia defeat the Pinchbot leader Grabbor? What new nefarious plan does Malifios have to destroy New Block City? Will Zundar join the Green Militia to fight against Orange? And finally, what are we going to do with all these robots?!
NNN Chapter 2 - Robots! is an independent stop-motion animation made by David M Pickett over the course of 3 years. It took more than 400 hours to animate and countless more hours of writing, voice-acting, building, and editing. You can buy it for just $1, but the suggested price is $3. All profits support production of future episodes of the Nightly News at Nine:
Last edited by fallentomato (October 27, 2013 (12:17pm))