Thanks everyone!
Pritchard Studios wrote:No squid, and haven't found the ninja (Or the promised lens flare)
They are there. Munchy is in the ANP card at the very end. That is where I put him if I cannot fit him into another part of the film. The Ninja is here, and I've very happy with his position. He's also relatively in focus. The lens flare happens one frame before the flash of bright light.
I make it a point to include the ninja, munchy, a dustbin parrot, the archway, and the word gabatay in every film.
Perhaps not your best work yet, (Bank is nearly impossible to beat.) but still a very solid short.
It's getting annoying how hard it is to top that film. Of course, I don't expect to do so in a contest like BRAWL.
However, I'm pretty sure that everyone will agree that I Am The Night and my secret production are much better once they finally come out.
I know BRAWL is hard on voice actors, but I would have at least tried to find some others.
Oh, I did. I tried to get Smeagol, but he's really busy with Paradise. I also tried to contact Guss Griswold to play Modecai and possibly narrate, but he didn't respond, and I also had an actress in mind for Elska, however, she also did not respond. I guess they were all too busy.
Sonjira is becoming your go-to narrator, and that's great. But it would be nice to hear somebody else every once in a while.
I agree. I've been really wanting to have a little bit a variety for my narrations, not replace Sonjira, really, just have a few films in between with some other people to make it more interesting.
The thing about Sonjira is that's he's quite good and really reliable.
He's also the narrator in Leprechauns in France, which is my first script, and is the story that started up my storybook style, however, that's still on hold until I can get an Irish actor.
where was Rigby to sit along side Mordecai?
Ah, yes, Mordecai is also the name of that bird from the Regular Show, isn't it?
I didn't use it in reference to that, only just because Mordecai is the coolest first name in existence.
If I ever have a son, I will name him Mordecai.
Last edited by Squid (August 4, 2013 (06:59am))