Topic: Clone Capers Re-invention

Im working on reinventing my clone capers series (that i posted in the release section a little while ago) into something which to be blunt ad honest should make the clone capers series alot better since i was never really happy with the end result of season 1 as im calling episodes 1 - 4

my idea is to set it in another galaxy where the clones are stranded to get away form the time travel the main reason being is ive got fed up of time travel all the shows lately seem to be doing it in one form or another

it has already been established the time machine they use isn't running at full power and as im not setting this new series straight after episode 4 it will be easy to explain why they need to leave the time machine

on with the story the clones who will now have names Dex and Wolf named after two of my favorite characters Ronan Dex from Stargate Atlantis and Wolf from Alien Vs Predator 2

they get mixed up with a group of marines who are fighting to hold a colony which has been invaded by a group of cybernetically enhanced aliens who have taken over half the colony along the course of the story they have to gain the trust of the marines as well as find a way to beat back the alien attackers

thats all i got so far

Any input would be welcome