Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

T.G-Tom wrote:

you really want to do something with CGI, Mutuceba?
I really like that shot, the only thing is, I'm using that kind of color-style in my movie also, i hope you understand i'm not copying you.

Yes I do
Its so cool looking

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

Mutuceba wrote:

What did you make that in

The cars, freeway, and city were rendered in Daz Carrara Studio, and all other compositing was done in Adobe After Effects.

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

I wissh i knew how to do that or even had carrera or after effects
lucky *sigh*
Wait when you do CGI do you do individual frames for it or just composite different animation

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

Mutuceba wrote:

lucky *sigh*

For some of us, the reason we have the software and the skills that we do is certainly not luck.

- Leo, who feels like ranting right now. mini/smile

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

I just can't seem to get the lighting here right.
That's meant to be the sky in the background. It's pastel-coloured paper. Anyone got any idea how I could fix it?

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

Maybe by changing the color of the backround?

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

Not possible, I'm afraid. My darker shades of blue mysteriously disappeared and I've just spent half an hour looking for a replacement and that's the best I could find.

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

Did you try doing the white balance a different way, or adjusting the brightness, etc.?

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

It looks positively green.  Also you can see the texture of the card, if you got it further away so it's out of focus that might help.

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

DoubleVstudios wrote:
maggosh wrote:
[img]IMAGE URL HERE[/img]

And please don't double post. There is an edit button.

You'll probably think i'm stupid but where do I find this url ?

No, You arent stupid at All! mini/smile
The URL is what you type when you search for a Website like '''' You would en up with something like this ''''
But that isnt an Image, right? mini/yes
I do like '''' When you have this then put the URL between [img](Here)[/img] so when you did all this you would end up with something like this
And here's the finnished work:

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

The problem for me is that it looks like their is one lamp directly over the set, which could drain some color from the set and cause your weird color mishap.

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

Damnit, now I need to wait 'till there are 4 comments about that thing.
I'll post my CGI work tommorow mini/blankexpression

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

here is for four posts on that T.G...

Hazzat: have you tried messing with the exposure? just an idea, and like smeagol said, put the posterboard furthur back mini/smile


Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

Shadow Buffer
vs. Raytraced shadows

Last edited by Lechnology (June 20, 2009 (03:30am))

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

I like the shadow buffer the most, the harder shadows are looking more... solid

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

Those are some strange raytraced shadows, you most have the blur on them cranked up pretty high?  The one on the left is very blurry but the one on the right is fairly sharp.  But yeah, for something like that you'd probably save time with a buffer, I use shadow buffers pretty frequently.

You can see imperfections in that LEGO guy's hair, you might want to clean that up in the vertex editor a bit.  Even just un-creasing some of the edges would help.

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

I'm trying to build a street, I think I will have to sandwich these buildings between some others. I think I need at lease two more, three would be nicer though

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

it would appear that you already hav built a street...
it looks good, very good... plenty of detail- thats for sure

If I'm on the forums, I'm probably waiting for Blender to finish rendering.

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

did you free build that
its awesome

Re: Works-in-Progress Post and Critique

Two buildings is not a street, I'm going to need a pretty big wide shot for part of my movie and these two buildings just won't cover the screen area (and I'm not using CGI, ugg)

Both buildings are free built, the one on the left was created only using pieces from my friends Cafe Corner set (he wants it back so I can't use my pieces on it) I've had the building on the right since the days of A Night at the Pier