Topic: The Wars of Darkness Part 1

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The Wars of Darkness Part 1

GORY LEGO Fantasy/war movie!

Hello,In 2004 I completed a feature length brickfilm inspired by Lord of the rings, among other fantasy based genres.  It was re-edited several times over 2 years and finalized in 2006.  It was made with Lego Studios, so you'll have to bear with me on the visuals. It uses no digital effects at all, and is completely stop motion animation. It is very long, and comes in 2 2-hour parts (both are uploaded on youtube). Please feel free to comment etc, as I'd love the feedback! Thanks and best regards mini/smile

Re: The Wars of Darkness Part 1

Wowowow two hours brickfilm and only three years... mini/eek But honestly the film isn't very awesome. Yeah you filmed it with crappy LEGO studios camera... I just wonder why, you could made this much better with better quality... but the work is done. And the FPS isn't the best, maybe 10 or something but it's pretty watchable because of good music and voice acting. Can't say much, because I don't have time to watch this but I checked this and this text right here is the result of checking. mini/lol

Re: The Wars of Darkness Part 1

Finally somebody gave the film an actual NAME, instead of labeling it a gory lego movie.

no more brickfilming *sad face*.

Re: The Wars of Darkness Part 1

Nice work. Any plans for any future films?

Re: The Wars of Darkness Part 1

Time isn't an ally of mine at the moment, but I definitely would like to do something again.  Animation is one of my favorite hobbies, so I'd like to make shorts if nothing else.  Originally there was supposed to be a prequel to this film to explain more of the world's background, and background of certain characters, but unfortunately that never happened.  Thanks for your interest!