Hi. The transition music is actually an 80's-esque version of the "normal" transition music. So episode 2 has 2 types of transition music: one regular, and the 80s-style music before every Radio station scene. I composed that and the "Yosatuba" theme music. The "Yosatuba" song is actually a song with lyrics called "V.P.L.", which I wrote and recorded on my band Tinnitis' 2008 album, "Friut Punch".
The "2009" caption isn't actually a joke, but just the setting for the story. There are two reasons: #1) I realize that making brickfilms of this length take a long time, and we all are aging at a rate much faster than the cast, so I wanted to "freeze" the technology at 2009. Throughout the scripts (I'm writing episode 5 right now), events are referred to within that time frame. For instance, when we first meet Brent and Angela in episode 1 says she hopes her surprise from him wasn't "Another 100 shares of CIrcuit City stock." Circuit City declared bankruptcy December 31, 2008. Episode 4 sets Melissa's birthday at August 8, 1993. In episode 2, when Johnny Strange was flipping the channels, all of the programs were on TV that year. Included is an old "Vytorin" commercial, which was pulled from the market late in 2009. I miss those commercials. They showed people that looked like food. When watching the episodes, look around for references to life in 2009. I stick them in everywhere, but keep it subtle, unlike the "Wedding Singer" scene when a character is using a Rubik's cube as an obvious 80s reference. I love that movie.
The second reason for using 2009 is that it's the year that, in my opinion, things started happening that don't make a lot of sense. If I ever get a lot of episodes under my belt, the year will turn to 2010.
One more thing. I forgot that my gracious wife, Angela Tourette, is the voice of a character in segment 4. I will return to the original post and fix it.
https://vimeo.com/channels/holdingourown http://holding-our-own.tumblr.com"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."