Topic: Motion Blur? A Controversial Topic (Wrong Thread, my apologies)

It seems as though the brickfilming community seems to be a little opinionated toward the topic of post production motion blur. Many people think it is merely a tool for creating more realistic brickfilms, and  others seem to oppose the idea completely. In my opinion, for some scenes it looks good *cough*, and for others it diminishes the effect, or at least looks a little worse *sneeze* .

My question is as follows: Does the addition of motion blur to films add more than it detracts? Stated differently, should brickfilmers (like myself) use motion blur in their films?  have heard both sides so please try and present a well constructed argument.

Last edited by Caveman Incorporated (March 11, 2013 (08:56pm))

Re: Motion Blur? A Controversial Topic (Wrong Thread, my apologies)

I like it when people go to the trouble to add motion blur.  It looks really cool when people get it right.
I did it in Dumbledore.  Because it a has a black background, adding the blur was really easy.  I find it makes the movement look a lot more realistic.
Things are perfectly okay without it, but it really helps stuff that's supposed to be really fast.

There's also production blur, which can usually only be added in a few situations.  In Sharks and Clowns I used real blur for King Bacon Jelly Pancakes.

Re: Motion Blur? A Controversial Topic (Wrong Thread, my apologies)

Would it be good to use on a full length film, or just in quick patches?

Re: Motion Blur? A Controversial Topic (Wrong Thread, my apologies)

Not EVERY movement, probably. Just important fast bits.  Spider uses some in his films occasionally.

Re: Motion Blur? A Controversial Topic (Wrong Thread, my apologies)

Just on a side note, what program and/or plugin are you using to make those blurs?

Re: Motion Blur? A Controversial Topic (Wrong Thread, my apologies)

An After Effects plugin caled cc Force motion blur.

Re: Motion Blur? A Controversial Topic (Wrong Thread, my apologies)

Not sure how he does this but this guy is able to use motion blur in every scene and make it look great,

My website is in construction!

Re: Motion Blur? A Controversial Topic (Wrong Thread, my apologies)

tkob - That would be because he uses cc Force Motion Blur, like caveman's trying to figure out. He says so under his info on his YT home screen. I think that's how caveman found out.
2nd place Darkness and Light entry: The Tree
Behind the Scenes

Re: Motion Blur? A Controversial Topic (Wrong Thread, my apologies)

Actually I found out about it from here:

If you use premier, this is a great guy to go to. He is the Andrew Kramer of premier.
But, anyway. I don't know how he does it, but their motion blur really looks nice.