I can really see how that came from a five-pane or so comic.
Problem is, that style/format of story doesn't translate well into a brickfilm.
Sadly, there was a fair bit of light-flicker, sets bumps, and a lack of easing out/in. The sound quality was a bit below average, and the close-up shot at the end only amplified the above problems.
While the set's lack of details, and the straight-on camera angles could be considered parts of the minimalist theme, it probably would have been better to go for a more interesting video overall, than to short-change those aspects of movie-making.
The set was quite well built for just being 2Xwhatever bricks, and having the rarer teal color helped keep things interesting. But you had one too many colors for that basic of a design. The yellow stripe doesn't match either other color, and is never repeated anywhere else. Having that be dark red, or leaving it white would have been better choices.
Ironically, for being a Minimalist Association, the members clothing has a bunch of different colors and patterns. Not to mention all the different hair styles. (And Mr. Printed Arms, doesn't help.) The cup should have been thrown out, it was the only non-essential detail in the entire movie, and therefore goes entirely against the minimalist theme. I'm also not convinced that he should have had a gavel, simply smacking the table with his hand would have been more entertaining, as well as serving to show his extreme views more effectively.
As a well-drawn comic, it would have been funny. As a forty-four second brickfilm, not so much.