Topic: Minimalist Association

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Minimalist Association

Minimalist Association (YouTube link)

A short film.  Based on a comic strip I drew in 2000.  A side project to "Holding Our Own", completed in 24 hours.  Except for minifigures and 2 accessories and a baseplate, only 2x2 and 2x4 bricks were used.

Last edited by HoldingOurOwn (January 31, 2013 (07:34am))

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: Minimalist Association

I can really see how that came from a five-pane or so comic.
Problem is, that style/format of story doesn't translate well into a brickfilm.

Sadly, there was a fair bit of light-flicker, sets bumps, and a lack of easing out/in. The sound quality was a bit below average, and the close-up shot at the end only amplified the above problems.

While the set's lack of details, and the straight-on camera angles could be considered parts of the minimalist theme, it probably would have been better to go for a more interesting video overall, than to short-change those aspects of movie-making.

The set was quite well built for just being 2Xwhatever bricks, and having the rarer teal color helped keep things interesting. But you had one too many colors for that basic of a design. The yellow stripe doesn't match either other color, and is never repeated anywhere else. Having that be dark red, or leaving it white would have been better choices.

Ironically, for being a Minimalist Association, the members clothing has a bunch of different colors and patterns. Not to mention all the different hair styles. (And Mr. Printed Arms, doesn't help.) The cup should have been thrown out, it was the only non-essential detail in the entire movie, and therefore goes entirely against the minimalist theme. I'm also not convinced that he should have had a gavel, simply smacking the table with his hand would have been more entertaining, as well as serving to show his extreme views more effectively.

As a well-drawn comic, it would have been funny. As a forty-four second brickfilm, not so much.

Re: Minimalist Association

I found the guy running to the stage to be very funny, I haven't seen such running. mini/lol

Also what comic is this comic mean't to be about?

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"You don't know what you have till you lose it, but then when you realize it, it's probably to late.."
Working on a better community
Proverbs 26:21

Re: Minimalist Association

I am still working on new techniques to address the motion and the light flicker.  The inability of my camera to manual focus makes both of these problems an issue that I can never resolve completely until I get a different camera, which I can't afford.  You are right about switching out Republic Red for yellow; as a complimentary color to the teal, it would make more visual sense.

But I didn't think the sound was so bad, excapt maybe for my voice.

& GeneralNed, The comic is a one-shot comic strip that is part of a collection of political cartoons I drew in 2000 and 2001.  I also had a similar concept in the same book, which really can't be translated well into Lego.  It's a single frame with a crowd of guys, all with identical hairstyles and clothing, wearing identical shirts that read, "fight conformity".

Thanks for watching!

Last edited by HoldingOurOwn (February 1, 2013 (07:52am))

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: Minimalist Association

HoldingOurOwn wrote:

You are right about switching out Republic Red for yellow;

Nope, I said to switch out the yellow for the cool red.

I wrote:

The yellow stripe doesn't match either other color, and is never repeated anywhere else. Having that be dark red, or leaving it white would have been better choices.

The focus doesn't seem to be the issue, that flickers differently. Are you hitting the top button on the camera to take each frame? That's what all the bumping really looks like.

I think you could translate the other comic into a good brickfilm, but you'd need to flesh it out a bunch. Give it more of a story.

Re: Minimalist Association

Pritchard Studios wrote:
HoldingOurOwn wrote:

You are right about switching out Republic Red for yellow;

Nope, I said to switch out the yellow for the cool red.

I wrote:

The yellow stripe doesn't match either other color, and is never repeated anywhere else. Having that be dark red, or leaving it white would have been better choices.

Yes, that's what I meant! 

The focus doesn't seem to be the issue, that flickers differently. Are you hitting the top button on the camera to take each frame? That's what all the bumping really looks like.

I think you could translate the other comic into a good brickfilm, but you'd need to flesh it out a bunch. Give it more of a story.

I do use the top button on the camera.  And I recently put an additional brace which had helped reduve the jerkiness while filming "Holding Our Own".  Although I can't afford to buy one right now, I do want to know if there is a remote shutte for the Sony Cybershot series (I think mine's a DSC-540 or something with a similar name.)    The auto-focus really does contribute to much of the motion.  But there is one frame in particular during the walking sequence in "Minimalist Association" that is the most distracting, and that is from moving the camera.  I didn't catch it until I reviewed in on YouTube.

Oh, I never mentioned about the cup.  From my interior design studies, I put that there as a design rule.  When using monochromatic color schemes, it's always best to put a small accent in a complimentary color, just to break up the monotony.  The cup was the accent to break the visual monotony, give a slight asymmetry to the visual.   Pink was use as a compliment to the teal (A combination once in my living room: White w/ teal trim and a pink pillow accent.)  But you pointed out it serves no function.  You helped me remember a forgotten design rule: guidelines are better off broken in some cases.

Last edited by HoldingOurOwn (February 2, 2013 (08:19am))

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."