I think that The Doctor's last two words would be good advice for any and all competition: "Good luck."
Because without it, they have no hope.
Maybe I'm just biased because you're one of my favorite animators, or maybe it's because Doctor Who is my favorite TV show of all time, but I think that this is will be the winner of the animation challenge...Hands down. And yes, that ending would be very awkward. As with ANP, I felt like the 2007 scenes were more futuristic than that, but they are still great. The sets overall were detailed, and yet somehow still simple. (In a good way.)
I don't care for mouth animation with teeth, it just doesn't seem right to me, but it was done well. Next time though, you should bring the eyes and eyebrows up a tiny bit, and then shift the whole face add-on over to the right. It doesn't need much, but it's noticeably off-balance. The angel custom was good, but you forgot that they get all snarl-y and evil looking when they attack. And if I could be nit-picky, I'd say that it may have been better to have another freeze point before it gets him.
Now for the blink, the left eye was fine, but there's a noticeable square on the right side of his face where you covered up the eye. It would have been better to cover it up more seamlessly frame-by-frame in Photoshop. Really though, the eye-square is the only big-ish issue in the whole short. You did a great job, and you should be proud. The lighting, the sets, the cinematography and the animation were all fantastic.