Topic: Favourite genre of brickfilm

Hello guys,

My question is: what is your favourite genre of brickfilm to watch and to make? My favourite to watch is comedy but I enjoy making action, purely because it is more exciting to animate mini/smile

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

I don't particularly have a favorite genre. I like drama, action, comedy, sci-fi...
I like to animate any kind, I do find action to be a little more complicated though.

"I wear black even when I'm not animating. I'm like a walking funeral parlor."

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

Animate: Action in general, but I also really like a more "Over-The-Top" style, as in my newest Caption Obvious short. (That can be comedy or action, but I prefer the latter.)

I really like it since I can kinda unleash my crazier instincts and animate whatever wild and insane thing come into my head. Also, it's easier to animate the larger arm and body movements than it is to do those teeny-tiny motions in serious conversations.

And I like action sequences because they're more fun to watch without any sound/music, and it gives more of a sense of accomplishment early on. That, and there's just something neat about the fact that I can animate a really cool sequence of Batman beating the snot outta somebody.

My least favorite is animating serious conversions in a serious-toned movie. They're just so...boring to work on. mini/blankexpression

Watch: No preference, I like them all.
Although I do have a special place in my heart for ANP's wonderfully crazy animation style. mini/wink

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

Is One Brick Studios a category? LOL, I love the "more classic" brickfilms, because most of them were before everyone and their mother made a Lightsaber fight... I prefer the dramatic, more "serious" brickfilms. Yes, they can have comedy, but, I prefer those where the "brickfilm" itself is taken more seriously than a 5 minute test...

Most of the stuff before 2011, or longer than 10 minutes. Nathan Wells, Smeagol, Mindgame, Lac0605, Canned Gravy... I even like ForrestFire's stuff, well, kinda.

I prefer the works of those who link with LEGO officially, or at least have/had with or this great site, I don't mean to sound political, but, that's MY answer. The films that are, well, films!

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

Ha ha, two opposite opinions from somewhat similar brickfilmers. mini/smile

Pritchard Studios, you made my day. Ha ha... And the forum more enjoyable.

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

I do enjoy comedy brickfilms, but IMO there's way too much of those. My favorite genre is Drama, those films are the most impactful when done right. Action is fun as well, but let's face it it's soulless entertainment. To be honest it's such a shame so many decent brickfilmers don't make drama films, I know only few good brickfilms.

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

Action, adventure, historic, sci-fi?

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

I think my favorite genre of brickfilm is trippy arthouse-styled films, and of course music videos. I feel like legos add a lot of quirkyness to these genres. When they are done well of course. mini/smile

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

I like Classic and Fantasy.
Classic refers to the Golden Age of Brickfilms and the Starting Years before it.
And by fantasy, I like seeing what people can create without using a ton of ideas from Tolkien.

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

Science Fiction involving non-commercial properties, and WWII simulations.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

I enjoy watching any genre of brickfilm, as long as it is pulled off well (animation, sound, music, FX, etc.). I guess if I chose one type, it'd be action or classic. I enjoy making action, but am trying to expand and make other types of films.
2nd place Darkness and Light entry: The Tree
Behind the Scenes

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

People seem to think that comedy is over used, I think not.
It's a lot easier to make some funny silly thing with LEGO people than to make one which is really serious.
It's hard to take LEGO in a serious dramatic manner.
People often forget the many sad, and quite pathetic attempts people make at serious brickfilms. It's not funny, and it's awful because they weren't able to pull off a serious dramatic atmosphere.

But when someone DOES make a serious brickfilm, and they do it well, wow, just wow. It's so amazing.
There are few who can actually do that. I probably can, but I'm far from releasing one.
I Am The Night should be somewhat serious. I have more I may make even more serious.

But I really do think I enjoy making ridiculous comedy the most. With a nice blend of lolwut, adventure, odd humour, and perhaps some good action.
Making them makes me feel good, and it entertains others. mini/smile

I probably enjoy watching that sort of film as well.

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

I like the drama, adventure, medieval and space genre, However its a real shame theres not much lego space films out there, I wanted to ask all of you, is there a reason no one including you's have made a lego space genred film, and I'm not talking sci-fi.

Comedy's always nice to have when you feel like having a laugh, oh I almost forgot and detective, thanks to Smeagols unforgettable true class Unrenewable, an all time classic.


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"You don't know what you have till you lose it, but then when you realize it, it's probably to late.."
Working on a better community
Proverbs 26:21

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

AnnoyingNoisesProductions wrote:

People seem to think that comedy is over used, I think not.
It's a lot easier to make some funny silly thing with LEGO people than to make one which is really serious.
It's hard to take LEGO in a serious dramatic manner.

Yeah, that's because Lego is a caricature of reality, and caricatures tend to lean towards humor, being less realistic.

But I really do think I enjoy making ridiculous comedy the most. With a nice blend of lolwut, adventure, odd humour, and perhaps some good action.
Making them makes me feel good, and it entertains others. mini/smile

I probably enjoy watching that sort of film as well.

Same here.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

i dont know apoc or steampunk tho i really dont know:rolleyes:

eh i got nothing

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

Personally, I enjoy any brickfilm that's well made, entertaining, and doesn't go the Forrestfire101 route. mini/smile

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

I love Comedy.

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

I enjoy making comedy, ( I have made other genre brickfilms) but I don't have a favorite type of comedy. I am planning on making a detective comedy with lots of face paced dialogue and subtle puns in the future.

no more brickfilming *sad face*.

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

Are MindGame Studios and Paganomation genres?

Last edited by BrickTective Productions (February 27, 2013 (06:02pm))

Re: Favourite genre of brickfilm

nltwm wrote:

Are MindGame Studios and Paganomation genres?


Those are filmmakers, not genres.
That would be like saying Steven Spielberg is a genre.

An example of a genre would be comedy.
Get it now?

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.