Topic: [THAC X] Hidden

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Hidden - THAC X


Here's my entry into THAC 2012. This is my first year entering, and it was really fun... but my film definitely suffered. If you can make sense of it, great, because I can't.
Also, big thanks to BackyardLegos for voicing as The "Sarge".

Re: [THAC X] Hidden

Twist was great, the animation and cinematography is great. This doesn't look like it was made in 24 hours - this looks like you spent several days on it.

I am envious.

Max, She/Her

Re: [THAC X] Hidden

Fantastic job!  The animation was good, cinematography was nice, and I also enjoyed the story a lot.  If I have one complaint, it's that the transition from buildup to action was rather jarring, and for me it upset the tone of the film.  However, this is very forgivable considering it's THAC entry. mini/smile   Other than that, great job Olson!

Re: [THAC X] Hidden

Great job, Olson. I don't have much to add to what others have said, but this is really good and I just don't understand how you could have made this in less than 24 hours.

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: [THAC X] Hidden

I like the use of a snowy setting instead of the standard green baseplate and trees. It worked nicely cinematographically, and the use of snow footsteps and such helped sell it.

Re: [THAC X] Hidden

Visually I was pretty impressed with the film, especially for being a THAC entry. I really liked the last shot that pans down. That was very fun to watch.

Re: [THAC X] Hidden

Very cool and impressively long. Really enjoyed it.

Re: [THAC X] Hidden

Thanks for all the feedback guys. I appreciate it.

Also, If anyone is interested, here's ye ole THACumentary.

Re: [THAC X] Hidden


This looks like the sort of thing that would take at least a good week while spending lots of time on it. It's  pretty amazing. Especially the setting you have there.

I didn't care for the story much, though and the weapon sound effects sounded like they would be more fitting in some silly scifi adventure, and really didn't fit very well at all with the setting. You should have chosen something more powerful sounding, more threatening.

Re: [THAC X] Hidden

Wow, really nice animation and cinematography. And I loved the ending. Though I do agree with ANP, the guns themselves didn't sound like they had any "impact" to them they sounded like they were just going "pew pew".
Anyway, really nice set and film overall, this could place very high in THAC this year.
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: [THAC X] Hidden

I'm impressed. This is a really solid THAC entry.

Re: [THAC X] Hidden

Hidden is one of the few THAC films which did not take the comedic route, and I think the "action movie" style here is pretty good. The visual aspects are very nice in terms of colour and cinematography (the animation is a bit choppy though), and the audio is mixed well. I think that from around the first gunfight the film becomes less interesting though, and that's a shame. Hidden starts out suspenseful and pulls that off well, but starting from the first gunfight the film loses its edge. It doesn't help that the ending is a bit bland and a slight letdown. Overall I think this film had a lot of potential but ultimately fails to deliver.