Topic: Surveys?

I was browsing the site today when a little window slid onto the page - a Petco survey. Could we get rid of these? I find them even more annoying than the picture ads at the top of the page.

Re: Surveys?

Do they now? I've not expereinced this yet. Maybe it's some malware/virus's doing?

Re: Surveys?

The ad at the top of the page was also for Petco, so I assumed it was from the site.

Re: Surveys?

I don't know what this would be -- a screencap might help me figure out what you're talking about.  I can omit individual ads, which I'd be willing to do if a particular ad expands and is invasive.

Re: Surveys?

Hm, I haven't had it happen since, and I didn't think to take a screenshot at that time. I think the ad at the top had the cat, dog, and can of pet food on it. Not totally positive though, sorry.

I will definitely take a shot of it if I see it again.

Re: Surveys?

When I saw it, I scrolled up to see if there was an ad banner.  Nope.  Also, it disappeared after a while.

Re: Surveys?

That's exactly what it looked like.

Re: Surveys?

This is the ad that goes with the survey:

I don't know about anyone else but this ad was kinda get cluttered with the site layout as you can see. Also, the survey popped up but disappeared the second I took this screen-cap.

Re: Surveys?

I only just noticed the newer posts in this thread. I can remove the ad if it shows up again, but I'd need to be informed that it has shown up within 7 days. I can't see ads that haven't been displayed in the last 7 days.

Re: Surveys?

I just got one of these, and removed it from circulation.