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We are a friendly filmmaking community devoted to the art of stop-motion animation using LEGO® and similar construction toys. Here, you can share your work, join our community of other brickfilmers, and participate in periodic animation contests!
A place to discuss, share, and create stop motion films.
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Nice. There was a bit of slightly choppy animation, but it was quite good otherwise!
Yep, that's one way to do "Snake animation."
Good job coming up with that idea and great job on the execution.
Although it did take me two viewings to figure out what the black thing was.
Pretty much my only gripe would be that the music accompanying the logo seemed a lot louder than the rest of the sound. Next time, you may want to have the music fade in/out or tone it down a bit.
Very nice It must have been a lot of work pulling those flat panels up and placing them back down for each frame.
Nice job! Animation was very smooth and flicker-free.
I didn't find any choppy spots. Good work!
i love it how you've done something clever for "Snake" really, that's brilliant. xD
And the joke, aw man, I laughed so heartily at that.
But the really cool thing about this is the lighting, I don't know why, but I really like how it looks here, it seems so smooth, and so cool.
Well done, Spider.
Great lighting and cinematography!
-Concept: 7/10
-Story: 8/10
-Cinematography: 9/10
-Sound: 8/10
-Music: 9/10
-Voice acting: 9/10
-Animation: 8/10
-Effects: 9/10
-Sets: 9/10
→OVERALL: 7.5/10
*The Overall rating as nothing to do with the other categories... It's just my overall appreciation of your film.
Wow really a Lego snake? You know Spider you over critique everything you watch on here but you should realy look at what you do because this by far was your worst video to date.
Again, you are unnecessarily rude! This was a very good video, pretty original, a great idea since it was for a contest, and beautiful animation with no light flicker! RS isn't overly critical, in fact, he is very helpful!
Wow really a Lego snake? You know Spider you over critique everything you watch on here but you should realy look at what you do because this by far was your worst video to date.
First, there's a difference between "over critique" and "constructive criticism": the latter is what we do here, try to help others improve. Youtube is the place to get people saying "cool/lol awsom/Daz gr8t".
Second, although it is just a matter of opinion, I think this video is not a torture, it has good animation. You're not giving any help by acting like that. If you don't like it, point out what's not working and what/how he can improve.
You summed up what I was thinking much better than I did, MPfist0. So, I agree with that.
Posts [ 16 ]