Topic: LEGO City Project

Hey guys,

I have just started a new LEGO project - the LEGO City Project.

I will be attempting to make the largest single LEGO city ever!

I haven't made any updates yet (first one coming tomorrow!), but head over to the blog for a sneak peek of tomorrow's update, and more information on what I will be working on. Don't forget to leave support comments as I embark on this epic challenge.


Re: LEGO City Project

Seems fascinating but very ambitious. Are you sure you can pull this off? This won't take days or weeks, but months and years.

Re: LEGO City Project

You do know that LDD will crash around the 20K-30K bricks range, right?
Good luck, but I believe there have been some very, very large City MOCs before, so I not sure that you'll be able to top them before LDD crashes.

Re: LEGO City Project

In the early stages of the project, I'm using LDD because I prefer the capabilities of it better. Should it crash, I will move to another program, also I do know it will take many months or even years, but I love LEGO, so bring it on I say mini/bigsmile