Topic: A Stormtroopers Life Part 1
A Stormtroopers Life Part 1
This is the first part of my stormtrooper series. I will have better animation and less flicker in the future. I will possibly make a sequel.
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A Stormtroopers Life Part 1
This is the first part of my stormtrooper series. I will have better animation and less flicker in the future. I will possibly make a sequel.
A decent film, however the plot was very unoriginal. And one thing, if he didn't see the sign, how did he know to say, "I didn't see the sign."? The animation was good though. I'm looking forward to more films by you in the future!
Dude it really doesn't have to make much sense. Ok? I would have to do a lot more work for it to do that. But thanks!
I would have to do a lot more work for it to do that.
You are clearly in the wrong hobby, then. Making a good film is all about the work you put into it.
Dude it really doesn't have to make much sense. Ok? I would have to do a lot more work for it to do that. But thanks!
This is not YouTube. The point of sharing videos here is not to get as many meaningless "nice job!" comments as possible. If you post a film, you need to be ready to get constructive criticism and honest feedback about what to do better. Otherwise, you're in the wrong place.
Guys, I really feel put down right know. I have no positive comments. I understand that I should do a better job, but all you are doing is saying just that.
You got a positive comment in the first reply, and some constructive criticism, then you replied negatively to it, what did you expect?
People are just trying to help, you need to take the constructive criticism on the chin as it will help you in the long run if you know how to improve.
The point of criticism is to help you be a better filmmaker. Instead of taking comments negatively, take them as challenges for your next work. We, as a community, want to help people get to that point.
Dude it really doesn't have to make much sense. Ok? I would have to do a lot more work for it to do that.
Well, then work on your film. If the goal of this film isn't to make the audience happy, tell a story, or express an idea, why does it exist? And the fact the film wasn't even supposed to make sense is pathetic. Part of the reason why I don't pay much attention to the forums anymore is because people don't see brickfilming as a creative outlet to tell a good story.
How about you go and write an original story, then improve your animation quality, then spend maybe a few days to a week looking on Flickr and other creation sharing sites to improve your sets to the point where there are objects in the scene, then work on cinematography to make sure the punch line is actually in the shot. Then work on sound so the clone and future characters sound convincing.
The biggest problem I saw with the film was that we were getting the story told to us, and not seeing it. The encounter with Vader was behind a grey door and the only clue there was anything bad happening was the sound of what I assume was a chair being knocked over. Characters and sound were too quiet compared to the sound effects, so make sure to balance them in the future. Maybe even add music or something for the audience to hear when the characters aren't talking. I doubt the ship the characters are on isn't that silent.
Your film was okay compared to some of the things I've seen, but it needs work. And if you have no desire to improve your ability to create films and actually get your audience to enjoy your films, you will need to apply effort, sometimes this will mean animating for hours on end to make something look good, sometimes you will need to cut time out of things like gaming to make sure something looks passable, if not great. But if you only make films so you can get views and subscribers on YouTube, and if you don't care about the quality of your work, it sure as heck doesn't belong on a site for people who try.
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