Topic: Help with car movement!!

Hi, could someone help me with:
i would like to make a scene inside a car with the windows showing outside, but how can i make the ''outside'' movement without really need to move the car and the camera? With Chroma-Key?

Thank you!!

--Sandwïch, sir?--

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Re: Help with car movement!!

Well if you can't see the ground outside just take trees and move them down your set like 1 stud every frame.

Ahhh yeah!!!


Re: Help with car movement!!

Make a rig with Lego's that looks like the front seats and dash and put the camera attached to the back.

The Ghost of Mrs. Day studios: Home of mediocre brickfilms.

Re: Help with car movement!!

I think it'd look more realistic if you moved the car and the camera together, and just left the background completely still.
Then it wouldn't look like the car wasn't moving at all.

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