Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Not really tenny.

Caveman- Yeah I'm copying it from the file explorer and didn't feel like fixing it.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Okay, maybe I like it.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Well whatever makes you happy.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

I just find it interesting.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Yeah, but right now I just want it to work.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

You and I both. Tenny, just keep talking to yourself mini/lol

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

As you wish… mini/rolleyes

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Alright, let's not get to excited but I think I may have it. We are using edsdk 2.11 if your on osx 10.7.8-10.8(or lion I think) it's very buggy they have released 2.12 which should fixed this I'm registering for the update now however canon releases all the updates later in the usa for some reason so we may need someone from Europe, Africa or the Middle East to register.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Sadly, I'm excited. I'm on 10.8.3, so it is proabably the bugginess, or it just fails to work at all, but I'm definitely looking forward to trying this updated one out. Sorry for the excitement mini/tongue

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Will the update only work on 10.8? I'm on 10.7, and I will have to upgrade if the updated SDK is only compatible on 10.8

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

It seems very reasonable that it will be backwards compatible.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

I got it! Hopefully it works.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Yes! Where can I find it? On the repo?

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Yes, you will have to get it from mine though as I couldn't seem to use yours.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Okay tell me how it works out. I will be busy all day tomorrow and will have no time to work on the project.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Well, did it work?

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Sorry, busy at school. It did not for me.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Do WHAT??? Hang on a second, let me re-read it... the updated EDSDK did not work for you??? I guess I'll have to try it on mine... lessee... Thursday seems to be the next open day.

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!


Well, that's a bit gilded if you will. The framework conundrum or whatever you want to call it has been solved. I hadn't changed the directory mini/shifty but now, it works!!! However, I still am unable to open it up because the JRE has a bug and it told me mini/sad

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007fff92309bb2, pid=5027, tid=46599
# JRE version: 7.0_10-b18
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.6-b04 mixed mode bsd-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  [CoreFoundation+0x1bb2]  CFDictionaryGetValue+0x12
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /Users/dhunt1972/Downloads/BiscuitAnimator-Mac-master/hs_err_pid5027.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Java Result: 134
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)

Also, that error message is in black text, not red.

CWStudios/Tenny - Where do I input the "ulimit -c unlimited" at? We're soooooooooooo close I can taste it.

Last edited by Caveman Incorporated (April 2, 2013 (06:12am))

Re: Developers/Programmers Needed! Let's create a stopmotion program!

Cool! In net beans check the run settings, like where you go to put in the main(String args[]) arguments. I'm not sure where it is or what text box to input it, I just have a feeling it should be somewhere there