Topic: Losing interest in Lego

So, if you read the title, you probably know what this is about. I am currently losing interest with Lego, and if I keep this up, well no more animations, would any of you who know or have experienced this be able to help?

Re: Losing interest in Lego

I experienced this as well, and my advice would be to take a break. If your losing interest, you should back off from animating for awhile, and then come back when you think you have the desire to do it again.

Don't be fooled, my avatar is a facade of conformity.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

Well I've just come back from a year long break from animating because I sort of lost interest too. Duke Boy is right

take a break

and hopefully you'll come back full of inspiration (or atleast wanting to animate)

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Free stop motion software with 1080p support!
YouTubeBrickfilms WikiBoats Animator

Re: Losing interest in Lego

K. Thanks guys, but its not with animation, more to towards Lego though.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

Well if you're losing interest in LEGO itself then try building or making sets complicated and go for a more fancy architectural building style. I personally haven't 'played' with LEGO in years, though I do find making complicated architectural builds is fun, just like brickfilming!

Re: Losing interest in Lego

Slurping Animations wrote:

K. Thanks guys, but its not with animation, more to towards Lego though.

Try out claymation.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

Good Idea Cinexellence!

Re: Losing interest in Lego

I agree with Cinexcellence. I haven't so much lost a lot of interest in lego (although I buy very little of it now, I don't like many of the sets and a lot are expensive), but I find that now I want to make more professional stuff (particularly because I'm doing my art GCSE and I want to be an animator one day). I found that lego films were a great place to start, but now I've started doing more paper and plastecene films, I find it gives a better result (that is just my opinion though). You can make characters which really have a personality because you can control how they look, move, even their facial expressions. Therefore I find it seems more satisfying to make these, if you're losing interest in lego then try animating something else instead.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

Yep, I'm currently looking into Puppetry.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

I started losing an interest in animating in January and took a little break, like Duke Boy said. Of course, since you said its more towards Lego itself, you could try out Flash animation.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

Why do you think that you are losing interest?


Re: Losing interest in Lego

I am having a similar situation here. My head is exploding with ideas, but my schedule does not allow animating time at all, even on weekends (I have no idea why I am doubling up two math classes)
Whenever I try to brickfilm, I just get frustrated and quit in a few minutes. And recently I have been exploring a lot more types of art: Painting, sewing, drawing, and I am going to learn how to crochet soon.
This is what I recommend if you can't get back into brickfilming. And if you genuinely are sick of it, don't force yourself. We won't judge you.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

I have lost some interest in Brickfilming as well. mini/sad It's annoying because I really want to get back to it, but can't.

I suppose I'll try to animate some of my Star Wars figures or something.

Why are you looking at my signature?
Mod edit: Your signature started it.
... Oh yeah.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

co0lwill wrote:

Why do you think that you are losing interest?

I think that I am going old for it, and it haunts me because I'm only 13.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

Lots of people feel that way at your age and that's fine. Pack them away in a box and find out what it is you like do; what you're good at. I'd encourage you not to get rid of your LEGO, though. I know too many adults who regret doing so at your age.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

I agree with Jargon. If I had thrown away my LEGO I wouldn't have been a brickfilmer.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

Eagle Animations wrote:

It's annoying because I really want to get back to it, but can't.

It's AnnoyingNoises? mini/tongue

I still love brickfilming, but I have to admit: Live-action films are (more) awesome...

I ask myself the question... Am I a man, or am I a LEGO?

Re: Losing interest in Lego

Loïc F-B wrote:

I ask myself the question... Am I a man, or am I a LEGO?

I loled.

I am losing interest in brickfilming so I have started doing more live action ( which is what I want to do anyway), doing other forms of animation, and I plan to take a break after BiM 2012.
The Youtube channel of god
fyi: I am now known as Fat Cat Films on youtube. Formerly DDProductions

Re: Losing interest in Lego

I'm still on my break from brickfilming.... and probably will be for a couple more weeks. I just like this forum and the community a lot, so that's why I still stick around.

Re: Losing interest in Lego

I thought last week of leaving the Lego community altogether, and do what I like to do: Sport. Although I really want to continue animating.