Topic: Black background?

In some brickfilms I have seen completely black backgrounds. I just wondered how you make those?
Example: Insomniac Animations' Stan's Secret

YouTube channel
N00bToob ebovv

Re: Black background?

You have a bright light shining on a set surrounded by black walls, and turn down the exposure until everything you want to be is black. At least I think that's how it's done. Hazzat did something like that, so he can tell you out of experience. mini/tongue

Re: Black background?

When I get my Logitech Quickcam Pro 9k I will try to play with the exposure settings. The exposure settings on my current camera sucks. Thank you for your feedback mini/smile

YouTube channel
N00bToob ebovv

Re: Black background?

Use black cloth and use indirect lighting (pointing the lamp away from the set) or obstructed lighting (putting a wall in front of the lamp.

Here's how NXT did it.

Last edited by minifig051 (April 8, 2012 (09:47am))

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: Black background?

Turning up the contrast can also help quite a deal.
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