Topic: Given Life

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Given Life


'Given Life' is about life and some of the problems that come with it. I chose to touch on discrimination in my little story. The idea of the title comes from the opening scene of the mini-figures getting created by the mechanical arms until bit by bit they become people. I chose to have them all look the same to show that we are all born in the same way. Each person is 'thrown' into the world.

'Given life' shows a characters' search for truth and meaning.

It is a silent movie, accompanied only by music by Ludovico Einaudi. Enjoy. mini/smile

Re: Given Life

Nice work. You're good on this.

Last edited by Lord Lajaka (March 18, 2012 (12:25pm))
Jesse the Ninja - filming 50% - editing 20% - over all 35,0%

Re: Given Life

Nice film! I enjoyed the message and the cinematography (which was very good!). As far as what you could improve on, I would suggest working on cutting out light flicker and set/camera shake which I noticed a little bit of throughout. However, it wasn't a lot and thus didn't take away from the film itself a lot. Keep up the great work! mini/smile What camera do you use?

Re: Given Life

Wow! The music and animation matched perfectly! I think that this video is focusing mainly on the cinematography and mood, and that was done very well. Great job!
(I wonder why I have never watched your stuff before)

YouTube channel
N00bToob ebovv

Re: Given Life

great animation, very detailed, and compelling to see more mini/lol

Re: Given Life

AWWWEH!! So cute at the ending! Great animation and music and Everything!

Re: Given Life

It was refreshing, unique and certainly interesting. One of the few philosophical brickfilms that I enjoyed.

Re: Given Life

Thanks for all the positive feedback, guys mini/smile I use a Canon 1000d, hooked up to my computer via USB cable. The size of it, when compared to a webcam, is a lot bigger and bulkier and certainly limits the variety of shots I can do. It might have been the cause of some of the set bumps and camera shake that you see.
I really appreciate all your responses mini/bigsmile

Re: Given Life

Nice message. 5 stars!
