Topic: Disturbed

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When the power goes out in the neighborhood, things start getting freaky...

My first attempt at making a scary LEGO film. I originally intended to make a psychopath short movie for Festival of Souls 2011, but then I also had the idea to make a haunted house short involving a haunted radio. I told the two ideas to my sister, and she got though the prospect of the haunted radio was really creepy. The reason why was because that actually could be somewhat possible. My goal was to thoroughly freak the judges out, so I thought that would be the best option to go with. To try to make it even creepier, we decided to make a more lifelike environment, so we ditched the haunted mansion idea. Instead, it was put in the setting of a rural neighborhood.

To make things even better, I thought I'd put a few bits and pieces of actual paranormal events that one of my local friends actually has had happen in his house.
