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We are a friendly filmmaking community devoted to the art of stop-motion animation using LEGO® and similar construction toys. Here, you can share your work, join our community of other brickfilmers, and participate in periodic animation contests!
A place to discuss, share, and create stop motion films.
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It was pretty good but I think I saw your hand in one of the frames there.
Ugh. I've been on Facebook too much, I just tried to "like" 0ldscratch's comment.
You got a good chuckle out of me, KG. Well played.
It was pretty good but I think I saw your hand in one of the frames there.
Really? I didn't see it. Where is it?
I don't know if I laughed because of the actual video, or because I read 0ldscratch's comment before watching...
0ldScratch wrote:It was pretty good but I think I saw your hand in one of the frames there.
Really? I didn't see it. Where is it?
I don't know if I laughed because of the actual video, or because I read 0ldscratch's comment before watching...
It was his HAND......
Two things got me here.
First was the dragon. I never knew that Lego piece existed.
Second, the amazing combination of stop-motion and live action in such a small simple package.
Got a giggle from me.
when he was hitting the dragon the animation was REALLY good
I lol'ed. And I really liked the animation of the dragon falling over. Well done, good man.
I love it when someone is sarcastic and then someone goes IT WAS A JOKE...... I would of complained but then I took an arrow to the nee... My humor sucks.
I would of complained but then I took an arrow to the nee... My humor sucks.
I'll say. Can't even speel knee right!
Fantastic work, I love it
Posts [ 13 ]