Re: New emoticons.

Not bad although I like the significance of the older emoticons. They're like a part of brickfilming history.

I can appreciate that, but I simply don't think they fit into the tone of the new site very well. Obviously that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it just as you are to yours. I did try to keep the expressions Blunty made to an extent, rather than make 100% new ones. It's more like a new coat of paint rather than something completely new.

I can move the faces up more, but then it look more odd. Especially with some of the faces that use the space for eyebrows and other varying expressions.

I'll see what I can do about the mini/tongue. I want to make it look more like a "fun" poking the tongue out rather than one that looks like someone squinting as blood pours out of his mouth. I'll work on an animated version and post it soon.

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: New emoticons.

Please keep the mini/tongue and call it :ladon:.

Re: New emoticons.

Ok, here's some various tongue emotes I whipped up just now. I also made one based off Blunty's, as it does seem to be popular. Some turned out better than others, but you get that.

As much as I'd love to be "The forum emote guy" remember that in the end it's up to Schlaeps as to whether these are even used or not.

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: New emoticons.

Sean wrote:

Ok, here's some various tongue emotes I whipped up just now. I also made one based off Blunty's, as it does seem to be popular. Some turned out better than others, but you get that.

As much as I'd love to be "The forum emote guy" remember that in the end it's up to Schlaeps as to whether these are even used or not.

I like the last one the most, because it's like mini/tongue and I like that emote.
Very nice emotes, they look a lot more shinier.


Last edited by Steve (December 28, 2008 (05:22am))

Re: New emoticons.

Personally I think it looks like a guy squinting and throwing up blood, but people do seem to like it

Last edited by Sean (December 28, 2008 (05:21am))

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: New emoticons.

Sean wrote:


Re: New emoticons.

Hey, eww all you like. Tongues aren't easy.

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: New emoticons.

Hope you don't mind me making one based off your design Sean...

The oogly boogly eyes emot has always been my personal favorite.

Keep up the great work Sean!

"Tell stories that matter to you, not stories that'll sell." - Stephen Tobolowsky


Re: New emoticons.

Schlaeps wrote:

I like some of them, but I think their foreheads are all a little too tall.

Exactly what I think. Unless your aiming that at me ( I have a tall forehead ) mini/lol


Last edited by Daragh (December 28, 2008 (05:44am))

Re: New emoticons.

No problem, dewfilms. The head is a template I made based off one on the actual Lego site anyway. I just enjoy editing ad adding emote-like faces to it. I'll work on a few googly-eye ones soon, just for you.

Do you still think the updated ones have tall foreheads? Personally I think they look closer to minifig heads, which is what I'm aiming at. (A cross between an emote and a minifig head).

Last edited by Sean (December 28, 2008 (05:48am))

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: New emoticons.

The heads look a lot better in your second emot post.
Maybe centering the eyes and mouth a bit more would make the foreheads stick out less.

Sméagol's Mr. Green is a huge improvement.
The old one looked more of a 'spring green' or 'minty green' instead of just regular green.

Last edited by dewfilms (December 28, 2008 (05:57am))

"Tell stories that matter to you, not stories that'll sell." - Stephen Tobolowsky


Re: New emoticons.

I approve.

- Le0

Re: New emoticons.

I like the new ones a lot. Out of interest what emotion does Mr Green represent, what is it used for ?  I never did understand it - although it looks good mini/smile

And can we please get rid of the 60 seconds between posts limit, it is very annoying. 15 seconds would be fine to prevent spam bots etc

Re: New emoticons.

It's good to see a wide variety of opinions and ideas. I'll be back on in the morning (it's 12:40 here at the moment) and check what people have said, then make more emotes based of feedback.

Centering the eyes makes the head look really weird, as they'd be further in towards the middle leaving heaps of space on the sides.

Last edited by Sean (December 28, 2008 (07:42am))

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: New emoticons.

Answering Si's question...

urbandictionary wrote:

Mr. Green : A cute green smiley that is a basic staple to all phpbb forum emoticons. It is green, rather than yellow, and displays a huge teethy grin, expressing a large ammount of happiness.

Sean wrote:

Centering the eyes makes the head look really weird, as they'd be further in towards the middle leaving heaps of space on the sides.

True. A tad more difficult to estimate since we're dealing with heads that are earless.
(Since human ears are around eye level. And human mouths are around bottom ear level.)

"Tell stories that matter to you, not stories that'll sell." - Stephen Tobolowsky


Re: New emoticons.

You did a great job with those Sean! I approve.
I hope these get used, they fit the modern style of BIM.


Re: New emoticons.

Every forum needs one!
I know its horrible - we could resize it and fix it up...
"actuallly this involves spiderman too, not batman. but im also taking a new approach, more comedy, less action. i dont see to many movies like that with more comedy than action" --SteveStarfyTV on an Indiana Jones meets Star Wars idea.

Re: New emoticons.

Wow, my first DUBBLE POZT on the new forum!

Heres :facepalm:

And in the process of making :facepalm:, I accidentally created this!
Heres the real one:
"actuallly this involves spiderman too, not batman. but im also taking a new approach, more comedy, less action. i dont see to many movies like that with more comedy than action" --SteveStarfyTV on an Indiana Jones meets Star Wars idea.

Re: New emoticons.

ZOMG! A double post!

iDroid explodes from the awesomeness that is the double post.

Re: New emoticons.

The first double post of the new BiM!
Not an achievement you want to be known for.