Re: New emoticons.
Not bad although I like the significance of the older emoticons. They're like a part of brickfilming history.
I can appreciate that, but I simply don't think they fit into the tone of the new site very well. Obviously that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it just as you are to yours. I did try to keep the expressions Blunty made to an extent, rather than make 100% new ones. It's more like a new coat of paint rather than something completely new.
I can move the faces up more, but then it look more odd. Especially with some of the faces that use the space for eyebrows and other varying expressions.
I'll see what I can do about the . I want to make it look more like a "fun" poking the tongue out rather than one that looks like someone squinting as blood pours out of his mouth. I'll work on an animated version and post it soon.