Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Can you give me the model of that camera.

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Ok, so I want to buy the T2i, but I don't have enough moneyz. Is there a cheaper alternative that is close to as good as the T2i?
*Signature made by Mighty Wanderer*
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Re: The D-SLR Discussion


I'm trying to animate with the T3i, and i see that using istopmotion only works if the camera is on PTP mode. But i HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DO THAT. HOW DO I FIND/TURN OFF THE PTP MODE!!!

I have awesome sauce in my veins! Which i sprinkle on each of my videos to give it an extra dose of aweomseness!

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

NFflimz: Perhaps Google will have your solution, I say this because the T3i is an expensive camera and not many members will have it.   Help here is limited.

On the other hand the camera that costs more than a car is coming tomorrow at 8!  I'm really excited and it's going to be show on my local television station!  Man.  I'm starting to love live action.

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

I was just looking on Amazon, and I found this.

My question:
Is this a good camera?

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

ZP wrote:

I was just looking on Amazon, and I found this.

My question:
Is this a good camera?

Yes, I think so. If you use it most for stop-motion animation, it is very useful because you can use programs like Dragon and stopmotion pro with this camera. Another option is the Nikon D3100, which has a better video mode and some other better specifcations for normal photo shooting, but this camera doesn't work with frame capture programs. Check also some reviews: and

Last edited by Creator Productions (January 4, 2012 (06:38am))

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Okay, thanks!

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Hmm... In this week I'll buy MC-DC2 wire remote control. Then I can start the filming my entry to Finnish contest.
Jesse the Ninja - filming 50% - editing 20% - over all 35,0%

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Lord Lajaka wrote:

Hmm... In this week I'll buy MC-DC2 wire remote control. Then I can start the filming my entry to Finnish contest.

The MC-DC2 is a nice thing, it's very usefull!!

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Yep. Proably if you use some Nikon's cameras that can't support DragonFrame or Dragon Stop Motion. Example Nikon D3100 I use.
Jesse the Ninja - filming 50% - editing 20% - over all 35,0%

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Hey guys, I have this video project that I need to do for my dad's company in the near future. I currently don't have a camera capable of what I need (all i have is a crappy sony handycam, it's grainy and crappy) and I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions as to what I should get. I was thinking a t2i or t3i, that way I could use it for brickfilming also, but does it have good enough video capabilities? I'm not real familiar with DSLR's.

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

I own a Canon T2i myself which I bought a little over a year ago for photography but I use it for Brick Filming and Videography as well. Great camera and great quality! The T3i is only slightly better than the T2i. The T3i looks like it adds some nice video recording features that could come in handy. The T3i on the other hand though is fairly new, whereas I bet you could find a T2i or even a refurbished T3i for a little cheaper. Do some research though, I put a lot of research into buying my first DSLR and it pays off.

Good luck! If you have any questions, let me know.

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Awesome, thanks dude! Yeah I was thinking on getting a used t2i if possible. The video i've seen from those cameras are pretty incredible.

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Any idea how to keep the T2i even a tiny bit still? I find it impossible, and would love any hints if possible.

'look like it was shot at 2 FPS by a blindfolded five year old boy with broken fingers and no thumbs.' -PushOver
I'll be back animating soon! Exams and computer faults are keeping me away </3

Drifter (THAC 11) - Here

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Onion wrote:

Any idea how to keep the T2i even a tiny bit still? I find it impossible, and would love any hints if possible.

Use a tripod!

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Creator Productions wrote:
Onion wrote:

Any idea how to keep the T2i even a tiny bit still? I find it impossible, and would love any hints if possible.

Use a tripod!

Definitely. If you are using a tripod and still find camera shake to be an issue, post your workflow and I might be able to help. When animating in the past, I used to press the actual shutter button on my T2i for awhile, record the images to the SD card, and then transfer them to the computer. This did not work at all I learned, because even the slight movement of pressing down the shutter button caused the camera to move ever so slightly. The solution is to activate it remotely, either using a remote switch or controlling the camera remotely via your computer.

Another thing to be aware of is the kit 18-55mm lens. Its not a bad lens all in all for animating, but I noticed that you have to be very careful when attempting focus pulls or any focus changes at all. The focus ring (at least on mine) when moved can change the frame ever so slightly and create some camera shake, so beware of this. The solution is just to be very careful as you change the focus and not let the "ring" move to the left or right slightly.

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

I actually have been using a tripod, and a wireless remote shutter, and still the problem arises. The only logical explanation is that the internal shutter is shaking the camera, therefore moving the camera.

I've had the camera since August of last year, so don't get me wrong, I have been experimenting. Perhaps the tripod is weak? or I need a lower shutter speed? Thanks!

'look like it was shot at 2 FPS by a blindfolded five year old boy with broken fingers and no thumbs.' -PushOver
I'll be back animating soon! Exams and computer faults are keeping me away </3

Drifter (THAC 11) - Here

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

I had the EXACT same problem you are having Onion and nothing seemed to fix it. Mabye it's just lens, IDK...

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

Onion wrote:

I actually have been using a tripod, and a wireless remote shutter, and still the problem arises. The only logical explanation is that the internal shutter is shaking the camera, therefore moving the camera.

I've had the camera since August of last year, so don't get me wrong, I have been experimenting. Perhaps the tripod is weak? or I need a lower shutter speed? Thanks!

Could you post a link to a video perhaps where I could see some of the shake? I highly doubt the shutter is shaking the camera enough to show in an animation. Perhaps the problem lies in something other than the camera. The tripod might be an issue, but perhaps it is your table or sets. Both of these have given me issues before. Either the table wasn't steady enough and could vary slightly or the set was not taped down properly. Whenever I tape my sets down to the table I make sure to keep air pockets out from under the center of the plate. After I have it taped down I usually just press down on the set a little to see if it moves at all.

Hope you can get this issue solved, I know how annoying camera shake is! It took me quite awhile to finally remove it. But it can be done.

Re: The D-SLR Discussion

You might be bumping the tripod.
The Youtube channel of god
fyi: I am now known as Fat Cat Films on youtube. Formerly DDProductions