Re: ToY: Possessed
Awesome job dude!
We are a friendly filmmaking community devoted to the art of stop-motion animation using LEGO® and similar construction toys. Here, you can share your work, join our community of other brickfilmers, and participate in periodic animation contests!
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Very awesome! Loved the part where that squid guy was shown! The fight scene was really cool! Loved those red eyes. GREAT JOB!
somewhat well.
Dude! You're the BEST! xD
No other serious film comes close.
My family and I loved it. I keep watching again, and again.
Last edited by Squid (July 18, 2011 (01:28pm))
Amazing! You are so good! I can't believe I have more subscribers than you!
The first toy entry I watched and it immediatly sets the tone for the contest. It is a short, entertaining brickfilm. It is animated well and it has some interesting camera angles and movements. The story was simple, but well told. Although I think you could have done more with the story rather than just some action sequencies. But for something made in 2 weeks it is definitely ok. Also great character design, the monster might be one the scariest things I've ever seen in a brickfilm.
I suppose the fact that I exclaimed "Oh wow!" halfway through the film means I liked it. To be specific, it was the Slenderman-squid reveal.
Amazing work, if a little short. I would have preferred a more fleshed-out ending. Other than that, a close to perfect entry.
I'm scared
Wait till I see Kinzes' entry!
I watched this again today (in HD, no less!) and was, again, impressed.
Where this brickfilm really succeeds is in its style. The look, the camera work, the character design - all top-notch. There were so many moments I loved; moments like the tentacles' reveal and subsequent writhing, the horse's attack, the stealthy minifigure walking - gold, all of it.
Where it's less successful, however, is its story. There's no time to get more than a cursory sense of characterization and the denouement of the story seems engineered more for an audience reaction than for anything else. But y'know, all that's okay. The breakneck pace and 2:55 running time make such things secondary and to even have made something that works this well in under two weeks is something to be proud of.
It's cool to see what you've pulled off when trying for something more serious and I very much look forward to more such endeavors in the future.
P.S. This is definitely one I'm downloading for the collection.
After not watching brickfilms for about 2 months, this is a great refresher! I can't really add much more to what others have said other than I think it was incredible and the open-ended ending was a really effective way to have an intense short film not just get cut off and crash and burn.
Excellent work!
you'll be happy to know that I have a couple serious films scripted, waiting to be produced.
My heart just jumped.
cool amazing cool cool OH MY GOD cool amazing wow wow what the!
it other words WELL DONE!
Fantastic film NXT. Can't wait for more, like always.
awesome the story line was awesome and the camera quality was great
I know I usually do stupid meaningless brickfilms, but I wanted to try something new this time, and I can see from your responses that I did it at least somewhat well.
FALSE!!:twitch: Your films are impeccable!!:DD Even the most random film of yours shows the highest standard of lego animation and surely inspires other brickfilmers like us!! Don't downgrade your work and don't quit producing some of the BEST lego animations on here!! Thanks again, might we ask for some behind the scenes videos??:D
Jtrail3/Legoparadise signing off!
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