Topic: DC Gets WHOPPED By a Dumb Pizza Women Who Thinks a Suitcase is a Pizza
Dane Cook Gets WHOPPED By a Dumb Pizza Women Who Thinks a Suitcase is a Pizza
I hope I bring back the DCG series!
Last edited by LASF (July 27, 2011 (02:58pm))
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Forums - Bricks in Motion » Brickfilms » DC Gets WHOPPED By a Dumb Pizza Women Who Thinks a Suitcase is a Pizza
Dane Cook Gets WHOPPED By a Dumb Pizza Women Who Thinks a Suitcase is a Pizza
I hope I bring back the DCG series!
Last edited by LASF (July 27, 2011 (02:58pm))
Dangit, I'm hungry now.
The animation choppy and they kinda stood still for the whole time they were talking so I think that part could be better. And the camera shook to much
Dangit, I'm hungry now.
The animation choppy and they kinda stood still for the whole time they were talking so I think that part could be better. And the camera shook to much
I am using a tripod now
EDIT: I have a new camera now
Last edited by LASF (July 27, 2011 (03:13pm))
Yeaaah, you're kind of making a film for an out of date joke.
Just FYI.
@phantom: Or he COULD HAVE made the joke popular again. Stop doing what all the others do, man. It's always one person who starts something - who cares if the joke is out-of-date?
Yeah, after watching this, I wanted to join in on the fun and make some Dane Cook movies, even though I'm still not really sure who the heck Dane Cook is.
Come on, now. I said "COULD HAVE". If Mindgame made a Dane Cook movie again, everyone would be like "Hey, awesome". But when someone less popular is the creator, they get bashed for "making a film for an out-of-date joke".
Hey--I'm agreeing with you here.
This whole topic could turn into a whole discussion about the bias towards Golden Age people- But I would say stay on topic.
I would love to make a Dane Cook film if I could find the right pieces for the minifig.
...even though I'm still not really sure who the heck Dane Cook is.
He's a stand-up comedian.
SpastikChuwawa (KG) started this DGG series (the "Dane Cook Gets" series) with "Dane Cook Gets Slapped by a Hobo with a Fish" or something similar to that.
liked the story:) but the animation was a bit poor:|
Ok, everyone. I'm sorry I was a bit harsh.
I enjoy the Dane Cook series. Heck, I love it!
The reason that I was harsh is because when I first saw the film, I was like this: to LASF.
But now, I'm over it.
Oh, and Pacific, try to use the quote button instead of using @. We aren't youtube ya know!
Nice, but I couldn't hear what anyone was saying. 3.5 Stars.
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