Topic: X//:arena

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Six super-powered contestants. Only one will survive.


There are a lot of mistakes in this one, but hopefully if nothing else it will help me prevent those mistakes in future releases. I left the shots of my hand in the character intros in on purpose for effect. Enjoy!!

Last edited by Brickyman (May 16, 2011 (08:56am))

Re: X//:arena

F-f-f-f**k, Brickyman. I'm astounded at how good you've become. I loved this so damn much, I think it might have just reached my top 10 favourite Brickfilms, and that's after 6 years of watching them.

I know people say 'story is key, story is key', but in my book entertainment is key - and this damn well entertained me. Admittedly the animation at times was ever so slightly choppy, and the camera angles weren't the best, but nevertheless, it had almost constant smooth animation, a great idea*, great effects (Were any of them done in post-production?), nice characters and 'awesome music'! Also, I must say, the hand thing was a great idea.


*I'd love if you would make this into a series, but have brickfilmers. Hee hee, that'd be cool.

'look like it was shot at 2 FPS by a blindfolded five year old boy with broken fingers and no thumbs.' -PushOver
I'll be back animating soon! Exams and computer faults are keeping me away </3

Drifter (THAC 11) - Here

Re: X//:arena

Great job, see my youtube comment

Brickfilmer a decade ago, now looking to relive the glory days mini/smile

Re: X//:arena

While a fight with just rock-throwing would have been way more awesome, this was pretty cool.

Re: X//:arena

Did you use wire for the guy's lightning effect?

Re: X//:arena

This was amazing, great work brickyman!

"Make sure to store everything in a box labeled "Pipe Bomb". Wear a turban for bonus points."-Squash

Re: X//:arena

I loved it. I can't wait to see more from you!

Re: X//:arena

Nice job!

New sig coming soon...

Along with brickfilms...

Re: X//:arena

This is one cool fighting animation. The hands did get annoying at times, but it didn't matter that much. The animation was decent and the music was epic. Too bad, my favorite guy was the teleporter. mini/sad

bricksinmotion member of the year

Re: X//:arena

We voted for super speed...good thing we didn't bet money...  Anyhow, a solid effort on your part Brickyman.  The animation is definitely an improvement over your previous films, and the concept was very well executed.  We found ourselves getting very involved in the fights, and at times we almost forgot they were LEGO.  If it were not for the blinking-hands-of-death and the slightly dull lighting we would have enjoyed this film more, but it was still very fun to watch.  Nice work. mini/smile

Re: X//:arena

WelcomeToAwesomeness wrote:

Too bad, my favorite guy was the teleporter. mini/sad

Same for me. But well, my second favourite character was superstrenght. My youtube comment looks like it comes from any youtuber that says "AMAZING, OMG etc.", but I really loved it.I wasn't annoyed by the hands. Good job 5/5

Re: X//:arena

I enjoyed it a lot! And I wasn't annoyed either.

New sig coming soon...

Along with brickfilms...

Re: X//:arena

I think that the character introws where awesome(yes the bit with the hands) but the Arena was a bit dull. Animation was great though.

Re: X//:arena

Wow! This makes me proud to have you voicing in one of my films!
aka legoped I DON'T NEED MINECRAFT! I HAVE LEGO! But I do have Minecraft.

Re: X//:arena

Onion wrote:

(Were any of them done in post-production?),

Nah, I prefer on set effects where possible. mini/smile

Onion wrote:

*I'd love if you would make this into a series, but have brickfilmers. Hee hee, that'd be cool

Hmm... Maybe one day. mini/tongue

topitmunkeydog wrote:

Did you use wire for the guy's lightning effect?

Yeah a kind of plastic coated wire I got from a toy car my brother bought, lit up with an LED torch. mini/tongue

Thanks for the feedback, it's appreciated. mini/smile

Re: X//:arena

This could have sucked. This could have been one of those really generic and bad 'fight' brickfilms that are nothing but a badly animated fight sequence between two Matrix dudes.

If I was sexually confused then I would kiss you for not letting such a thing happen.

Sure, there are tiny flaws - but the whole thing is interesting and really imaginative. I'm glad you chose superheroes over guns and stuff, since it allowed for some really great animation and moments which I have not seen in a Brickfilm before.

Oh and not to mention the music which makes me want to leap off my chair and dance....

Max, She/Her

Re: X//:arena

Y'know, I thought this was actually pretty cool. While the presentation lacks polish, the film makes up for it with a nice bevy of practical effects. The fighting was too stiff to be noteworthy, but the creativity and appropriate music choice work well. Nice job.

Re: X//:arena

That was awesome!


Last edited by LASF (September 24, 2011 (04:56am))

Re: X//:arena

Onion wrote:

F-f-f-f**k, Brickyman. I'm astounded at how good you've become. I loved this so damn much, I think it might have just reached my top 10 favourite Brickfilms, and that's after 6 years of watching them.

I know people say 'story is key, story is key', but in my book entertainment is key - and this damn well entertained me. Admittedly the animation at times was ever so slightly choppy, and the camera angles weren't the best, but nevertheless, it had almost constant smooth animation, a great idea*, great effects (Were any of them done in post-production?), nice characters and 'awesome music'! Also, I must say, the hand thing was a great idea.


*I'd love if you would make this into a series, but have brickfilmers. Hee hee, that'd be cool.

What he said.^  But it could have been more like a tournament, where the winner of one round keeps fighting more guys until he dies, then the guy that beats him does the same.

"Doc seriously, do that one more time without warning me first and I'll flip this examination table and roundhouse kick you in the face." - Adam young

Re: X//:arena

That was pretty good. mini/smile
Especially the lightning dude. But the lighting for the general set looked a bit too orangey. It's kind of bothersome.
And I really don't like blood. It also looked very fake to me.