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Dagnabbit, I had an idea for an Inception parody with the same title! Well, it's not too similar.....
That was so cool.
Now THAT was some funny stuff!
Really good! I loved the ending bit!
Dagnabbit, I had an idea for an Inception parody with the same title! Well, it's not too similar.....
Not a lot of words ending with "ception". Misconception was the most relevant to the setting.
Before you guys start PMing Sparks Flying (Emily Boyle) about voice acting, I was using an old recording she did years ago. I have no idea if she's back to voice acting or not.
Gold star for naming all the references in the film. Platinum for naming references I didn't know I made. Reading the tags doesn't count .
-Light Spoilers Ahead-
The modelling was fine, but the animation left a lot to be desired. Too robotic and slow. It needed to be punchier, and some of the gags suffered because of it. (Try studying the LEGO Star Wars games for some good examples of CGI minifig animation)
The voice acting ranged from decent to mediocre. The voice acting during the spider joke was a particular sore spot. Whoever played the guy in the glasses sounded like he was trying to yell without waking up his parents in the other room.
The Inception parody felt very muddled and unfocused. It seemed like just a series of random, library gags strung together with a very, very loose Inception framework. I'm not even sure what the "Misconception" of the title is referring to.
So next time, work with a more focused script, and practice putting more spark into your animations.
Last edited by KG (April 27, 2011 (01:45pm))
Anything + Zack Hemsey's "Mind Heist" = Awesome
If this is true, then the film shouldn't need any Inception gags or references. However, I thought it was enjoyable. I agree with KG on the animation though. If I know those models/rigs as well as I think I do (check your PMs), you could have done a lot more there.
A serious commentary from KG? What's going on here?
I'm a little resistant to the styles of The LEGO Group's CGI department since they've pretty much broke out of the plastic mold and rigid restraints and smashed them to pieces. But I'll look into it.
And it was actually my uncle and the neighbors, but I thought I was pretty loud. A coarse voice may have been an additional factor.
Lechnology wrote:Anything + Zack Hemsey's "Mind Heist" = Awesome
If this is true, then the film shouldn't need any Inception gags or references.
I'm just paraphrasing the many comments people have made about Inception-style fan-made trailers. It didn't mean anything .
Well, if you're resistant to the flexible style, may I suggest emulating a stop-motion look? I'm not sure how this would be done, but I know that it can.
I loved it, but I also agree with KG's comment.
I feel very similar to KG's comment.
Animation far too slow, however I found this to be good for a bit of smile on the inside for myself even if it got a tad random at times.
If you could change only one thing for next time, please make the animation faster. It's soo much easier to look at.
Before I venture into my next CGI endeavors, since y'all have similar comments on the animation, would you enlighten me on which specific scenes/shots were slow and which were just right? Time stamps or name-of-movie reference acceptable.
If it's the background walk cycles, that I agree is slow. But if its 1:46, I can't make a minifig tumbling cross 3 tables any punchier.
Looked like some beautiful animation with great gags, but like others have said the motion looks too slow.:( Otherwise it looks like an amazing parody of my favorite movie, Inception.
N0OB F0r H1R3
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