Topic: School Projects

So I was curious about something...

My teachers (mainly my science teacher) love having me make brickfilms for projects. Usual projct introduction:

Teacher: "All right, today we're starting a project. I want everyone to bring in a posterboard, as you're going to need one. *myname*, don't bother bringing in one, I want you to make another video."

Here are some examples of ones I've made.

So my question is, how many people out there do this? I wanna know how unique the concept is. mini/cat

Last edited by Legobrickstud (December 3, 2009 (07:58pm))


Re: School Projects

Not very unique. I do it, and so do other people. Well, I take that back. I had plans for one, but didn't get the time to start it.

Re: School Projects

I did a review and a few of the scenes of 1001 Arabian nights in tenth grade. I did something closer to a motion comic as well in 9th, humorously dramatizing the tale of Sleeping Beauty.
- Aaron

Re: School Projects

Lucky, my school doesn't have those types of projects D:<

Re: School Projects

The Crucible was for a school project.

Re: School Projects

Well for a class I have in college we're doing Research & Project Management. It's a class that no one really fully understands but anyway we have been separated into groups and we have to make a resource or a presentation of some sort that can educate people on the subject. Each subject we've been given is one on animation. I played my cards right and got Stop-Motion. My group is thinking about setting up a blog with tutorials on it for animation so it wouldn't be unlikely for me to do some brickfilming for that. (I should note that in the class I am the only animator so the results will be interesting)

Re: School Projects

I've done videos for projects. I made a trailer for 1984, and I'm working on a 2d adaptation of a Rudyard Kipling short story. I don't think I've ever done a brickfilm as a project before, though.

- Leo

Re: School Projects

I have made a School Film before, last semester. I was going to one just a few weeks ago, but decided against it.
I would rather not give a link to it, though. mini/tongue


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: School Projects

My fight film was for my A2 media studies final production.

I got an A.

Re: School Projects

I get to do an extra credit film on either WW2 or the Six-day war for History class. If I pull it off nicely, I might not have to write several papers.

Re: School Projects

Well, I recently handed in two of my major English projects; one was the standard two novel comparison, the other was a critique for Fer-de-lance and an extra chapter. Now I have to rewrite a fairy tale. I'm thinking about a science fiction Jack and the Beanstalk.

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Re: School Projects

we did fractured fairytales once. mini/smile

Re: School Projects

Did your teacher tell you about the real Cinderella?

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Re: School Projects

J'aime, un projet pour le classe de français.
I've also taught an animation class 5 times, but that's a different story.


Re: School Projects

Yeah I have also. Actually I've done... atleast 6 brickfilms for school projects and I don't think I've ever been a point from one.

Re: School Projects

My latest one was for a history project. I didn't put a whole bunch of effort in it as I usually would with a brickfilm. I voiced all if the characters, even the Greek gods, which wasn't a great idea lol. People on YouTube keep saying my voice is annoying. mini/tongue